Jumping boss Bråthen opens up about breaking with the Ski Association – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– I have received that note. It is a long and thorough note. He has done several analyzes there and it is valuable information, says general secretary Arne Baumann to news. He adds that he has no idea who leaked the document, which became known in VG on Friday afternoon. The note was originally sent to the board of the Norwegian Skiing Association and general secretary Arne Baumann last month. Secretary General of the Norwegian Skiing Association, Arne Baumann, says it is now up to the jumping committee to deal with the document from Clas Brede Bråten. Photo: Cornelius Poppe / NTB Head of the jumping committee, Stine Korsen, has gathered the entire committee this afternoon to discuss how to handle the situation going forward. “Dramatic situation” In the document VG has obtained access to, Bråthen writes that organizationally the Skiing Association was “built for a different time and mainly adapted to the majority interest, which is cross-country skiing”. Baumann does not wish to comment on this, which he refers to as an observation on Bråthen’s part. – It is a comment that Clas Brede must be responsible for, I have no comment on that, says the general secretary of the Norwegian Ski Association. Bråthen will further claim that: “The situation is dramatic, and it is probably only an autonomous NSF Jumping as its own legal entity that can secure Norway’s jumping future as the world’s most important jumping nation”. Ski president Tove Moe Dyrhaug also confirms that she is familiar with the memo to VG. She refers to the fact that it is not the ski board that will deal with this in the first instance. news has tried to get in touch with Dyrhaug, so far without success. Launching three possible paths Bråthen also writes that for a long time the sport of jumping has “experienced a lack of commitment and support from NSF’s central management, including the ski board”. Baumann does not want to comment on this, but adds that there is a challenge with jumping in the Skiing Association. Furthermore, in the memo to which VG has gained access, Bråthen launches three possible ways forward. One is that the jumping camp breaks with the Ski Association financially. At the same time, the formal ties must remain. “It is better that Hopp is allowed to continue under its own auspices, rather than the ski board in practice decimating Hopp to play an insignificant role among the world’s jumping nations. With such a solution, NSF does not have to take responsibility for Hopp’s operation. Hopp himself is responsible for both his income and expenses, while the joint administration and the ski board avoid what they themselves define as the ‘problem’ with Hopp,” writes Bråthen. – Is it at all possible for jumps to detach themselves from the Ski Association financially? – I have no comment on that. The entire document is a large ski policy document that must be processed by the jumping committee, the ski board and possibly also the ski parliament, because it is ski policy, says Baumann. – If a branch secedes from the Ski Association, what happens then? – It has never happened before, so it has to be in the whole process that the jumping committee does and that follows from the further work in the ski board and at the parliament. I have no comment on whether it is possible, because it has never been done before. Sorry for the leak of an internal memo It is known that the jumpers have struggled heavily in the sponsor market in recent years. news has gained access to a text message Bråthen is said to have sent to a group of jumping friends ahead of publication. Braathen’s message to the jumping friends Dear jumping friend, Unfortunately, an internal document I have written has ended up in the media. The document is intended as an open, honest and constructive approach in relation to the ski association’s challenges. The wish was that in this way I could give the general secretary and the members of the ski board an insight into how the world looks from my point of view, and possibly contribute to important decisions being made on a broader basis. I am responsible for everything that has been written and have spent a lot of time on it . There are no other intentions with this than to create a better future for the sport of jumping and the ski association. Since our branch has been presented as a challenge for the community, and we sometimes experience that the same community can be limiting for our development, I have taken the freedom to come up with suggestions for ways forward. How the media has angled what has been written and will angle this is difficult to predict, but it is important to me that you, as true jumping friends, should hear my intentions regarding this. etc. Clas Brede There he apologizes that the internal document has been leaked to the media, but emphasizes that he is responsible for its content. “Unfortunately, an internal document I have written has ended up in the media. The document is intended as an open, honest and constructive approach to the ski association’s challenges,” he writes.
