Jumped from Munch pier and became paralyzed, now the compensation case starts – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– I was the first one out. So I decided to dive with my hands at my side. Then it clicked, says Geir Kåre Nyland. After that, everything went white. When Nyland regained consciousness he was paralyzed from the chest down. The former MMA athlete jumped from the pier outside the Munch Museum. He broke his back when he hit a pipe under the water. Now Nyland is demanding compensation from Oslo municipality. After the accident, Geir Kåre Nyland has been in a wheelchair. Photo: Nadir Alam / news He believes that the signage in the area was not good enough. The compensation case starts in the district court on Tuesday. The court will decide whether the municipality is responsible for the diving accident in Bjørvika in 2021. Could be a claim in the millions – My client’s view is that the accident could have been avoided, says Nyland’s lawyer, Christian Lundin. If the municipality has to take responsibility for the accident, the claim could amount to several million kroner. – He is completely dependent on help. He is totally disabled according to work. It has not been calculated, but there are claims in the millions, which he has lost as a result of the accident, says Lundin. MORE SIGNS: Several such signs have been put up around the pier at Sørenga after the accident Photo: Anders Fehn / news Ordered risk report After this and several other bathing accidents in Bjørvika, Oslo municipality ordered a risk report from Norges Livredningsselskap. They concluded that there was a “significant risk of major damage” when bathing in several places in Munch Brygge, which has become a popular bathing spot. Photo: Istvan Virag, Kulturetaten, Oslo municipality area. In the report, several measures were proposed to avoid serious accidents in the future. The municipality has subsequently put up several signs in the area. The municipality denies responsibility – This is a tragic accident for Nyland, but we believe that the municipality is not responsible for compensation, says the municipality’s lawyer, Henrik Søvik, to NTB. The municipality rejects any form of responsibility in the matter. If the court nevertheless holds Oslo municipality responsible, they believe that there is still no basis for liability. – Nyland’s plunge with his head first and his arms at his side, without first checking the ground conditions or signs, means that the conditions for acceptance of risk have been met, and that this should be an independent ground for acquittal in the case, writes Søvik in the municipality’s final submission.
