Jøtul lays off 60 employees in Fredrikstad indefinitely – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– It is a sad message to receive just before Christmas. This affects the entire production line, says Anette Johansen. She is the club leader of the Støperiklubb at Jøtul in Fredrikstad. On Tuesday, around 60 employees were told that they will be laid off indefinitely from 3 January. Those who have received the notice make up the entire production staff at Jøtul’s foundry in Østfoldbyen. – With this move by the employer, there will be no one left to produce cast iron, says Johansen. 60 employees at the foundry in Fredrikstad have been laid off indefinitely. Photo: Tomas Berger / news Failing sales Fredriksstad Blad mentioned the case first. In the layoff notice, to which the newspaper has gained access, it appears that some employees at the warehouse will also be affected. – Due to a decline in sales and build-up of stock, the company and the shop stewards agree that there is a factual basis for layoffs, says the notice, which the newspaper quotes. CEO of Jøtul Nils Agnar Brunborg confirms that 60 employees in Fredrikstad will be made redundant as a result of lower demand. – We are stopping production now before Christmas, and will be closed throughout January. Then we will continuously see how the situation is, and when we will start up again. Parts of the production take place in Poland and the USA. Jøtul has also taken action there. – We have reduced the number of employees throughout the autumn. There are pure dismissals. It comes from the fact that you don’t have the same working life rules when it comes to layoffs in the countries that we have in Norway, says Brunborg. CEO Nils Agnar Brunborg. Photo: Lotte Olsen Jessa / news Going to start up again Club leader Anette Johansen says that the autumn’s failing sales meant that the layoff notices did not come as a surprise. She still had hope that they would avoid laying off all 100 per cent. On Thursday, a club meeting will be held for the employees. – I want to be available to my members, and have the club office open for them, says Johansen. Production in Fredrikstad will be restarted, assures managing director Nils Agnar Brunborg. When that will happen is currently uncertain. – Both the factories in Poland and the USA get their parts from Fredrikstad. We will start up again when we have reduced our stocks and sales will hopefully start to pick up again.
