Jørn Arve Flått withdraws from the leadership race in the Trondheim Labor Party because of Giskes Nidaros – news Trøndelag

On Tuesday evening, the election committee of the Trondheim Labor Party was actually supposed to come up with its recommendation on who should take over the leadership position after Hanne Moe Bjørnbet. The choice was between municipal councilor Jørn Arve Flått and deputy chairman Gunn Elin Høgli from the Heimdal Labor Association. Flått believes he does not have the support of Nidaros Social Democratic Forum. Nidaros, which is led by Trond Giske, makes up more than half of all members of the Trondheim Labor Party with 149 delegates out of a total of 239, including AUF. The local team has grown enormously in the past year and therefore makes up a large proportion of the delegates at the upcoming annual meeting, which starts on Friday and ends with elections on Saturday. Flått had a majority in the selection committee but has now chosen to withdraw his candidacy. He tells Adresseavisen that it is because he does not want to take up the fight against Nidaro’s Social Democratic Forum. It was Adresseavisen that mentioned the case first. The central actors in the battle for the leadership post in Trondheim Ap, Gunn Elin Høgli and Jørn Arve Flått. Høgli on the left in the picture and Flått sitting behind Trond Giske. The picture was taken in connection with Ap’s election vigil in 2021. Photo: Bjarte Johannesen / news – No point news has been in contact with Flått, who has no opportunity to give an interview on Wednesday afternoon. He refers to his statements in Adresseavisen. – I am very happy that there is a majority for me in the election committee, but it is more and more clear that there is not a majority for me during the annual meeting, he tells the newspaper. He believes there is no point in fighting that battle. – There is no point as it does not lead to progress. news has been in contact with Trond Giske, who does not wish to comment on the matter. Indications of an opposition Political commentator at news, Tone Sofie Aglen, says many have wondered what Trond Giske wants to achieve with Nidaro’s Social Democratic Forum. – Now we see perhaps for the first time that Giske’s local team is using its power and that the Labor Party in Trondheim will be completely dependent on having Nidaros on the team to achieve something. Tone Sofie Aglen is a political commentator at news. Photo: news She says it will be exciting to see how Giske and the local team’s takeover of power is received in the party. – And precisely what Jørn Arve Flått says outright, and also what he does not say, indicates that there is an opposition and that there are some who are critical of the influence Trond Giske has, she says. In an earlier version of the case, news Gunn mentioned Elin Høgli as a member of Nidaro’s Social Democratic Forum. This is not true. Høgli is in the local team Heimdal Arbeiderlag. news apologizes for the error.
