Jørgine Funkygine Vasstrand is looking forward to season 4 of Norway’s toughest, thinks the participants will learn something – news Trøndelag

Women’s health and beauty hysteria have been our theme this autumn. As the biggest fitness blogger in the country, and host of Norway’s toughest, Jørgine Vasstrand tries to be aware of what she puts out of her body on social media. And the blogger has a clear perspective on health vs. appearance. – For me, they are two different things. I never think that now I’m going to run or train, because then I stick to my stomach routines. That’s not what motivates me. According to Vasstrand, the washboard is just a bonus. – If appearance is the main focus, not the joy of achieving new things and moving, then the motivation will be very on and off. Jørgine Vasstrand wants to show the real faces when people are tired. Photo: Erlend Lånke Solbu / news Gets support from professor Professor Jorunn Sundgot-Borgen is in complete agreement. – I clearly support her in this. Research shows that people who are mainly controlled or motivated by external factors, such as appearance and dieting, stop exercising to a far greater extent than people who exercise because they feel mastery and want to improve their health. This autumn, Jørgine Vasstrand hosts the TV program Norway’s Toughest once again. She believes young people can learn from seeing dirty and worn-out participants. The camera works even if you grin, sweat and bleed. In a world where Botox and fillers are normalized in some environments, Vasstrand believes the program can show something else. – The focus is on performance. They no longer come if they are Mr. or Miss perfect. In that sense, I think this can be a positive contribution to the beauty debate. Norway’s toughest also believe that physically hard work pays off, says Jorunn Sundgot-Borgen. She is professor of physical activity and health at the Department of Sports Medicine at the Norwegian Sports Academy. Photo: Harald Thingnes / news It is important to have the right role models The presenter also believes that it can have another important message for the seafarers. – Norway’s toughest is not something that most people can participate in, but it can show how you can use your body in creative ways. Training is more than treadmills, fitness centers and barbells. I think you can be inspired by that, even if you are not as well trained as these people, says Jørgine. In the previous season, the fisherman Isak Dreyer won. He had built his strength through hard physical work. Jorunn Sundgot-Borgen believes it is important that young people can have a car that stands out as real. – These are in extremely good shape, but at the same time they are presented in such a way that young people who see this get an honest experience of how someone loves to get out purely physically. It can pique the curiosity of someone who has not previously been active, and thus start to increase their level of activity. How important is it to show the “real” faces in the media? – The media have a responsibility to present and promote the real. Young people today are very frustrated that they are constantly exposed to fake bodies and adjusted images of appearance. The fisherman who beat everyone. Isak Dreyer won Norway’s toughest 2021. Photo: Erlend Lånke Solbu / news There will be some bad experiences in Norway’s toughest. Welcome to acid party. Sometimes you just have to hold on. On your knees, or further down. Fortunately, there will also be some good ones and funny moments. Like when Kung Fu Hangi strikes. Most looking forward to the competitions This year’s edition is already well under way. Jørgine Vasstrand sees that the concept has changed a little since the first season in 2014. Some variations of exercises are still included, others have been removed. Her own favorite exercise disappeared after 2015. Namely “mud wrestling”. – Both shoulders and knees were on fire during that exercise. There was probably not as much focus on safety at the time. What are you most excited to show off this time? – I am most looking forward to the competitions. I’m the type of person who skips over everything other than the competitions when I watch, for example, the Master of Masters, but I’m actually happy to see everything. See again that they are in the basement, see how they have to find strength and be part of the extreme Norway’s toughest bubble. Not just tough. There is also room for a bit of coziness, as here together with Hanna Martinsson. – I care about the participants and cheer them on, says Jørgine Vasstrand. Photo: Erlend Lånke Solbu / news Who do you think wins Norway’s toughest? Vote for your favorite ? Joachim Eline Elizabeth Hangi Hanna Trygve Brage Kristine Sondre Bente Show result
