Jordras has gone on Ringerike – again – news Buskerud – Local news, TV and radio

A landslide of approximately 100 meters has occurred in Ringerike. The police reported this just before 12 o’clock on Tuesday morning. The police’s incident leader at the scene, Frode Presthus, says the following to news. – We received word from some residents that there has been a landslide during the night. It is by far a well-known landslide site, especially from the flood last year. Then there were several landslides here, he says. The landslide has come close to the building. Photo: Ole Edvin Tangen Raset has walked by Avstikkeren, a road between Hønefoss and Ask in Ringerike municipality in Buskerud. The slide has gone over a turning point for buses and further down towards the river. – The river flows well, so there is no danger of dams, says Presthus. Emergency services are in place. There is also a geologist from the municipality who will now investigate the site. Photo: Laik Hanbaly / news There are no indications that anyone has been caught in the landslide. The municipality has sent a geologist to the site to carry out investigations. – He will now make an assessment of the security here, and whether any measures need to be taken, says Presthus. Last autumn, a large landslide occurred in rough terrain and fell into the Sogna River at Avstikkeren, the road between Hønefoss and Ask. That is, in the same place. At the time, five people were evacuated. The landslide this autumn was estimated by the police’s operations manager Tommy Eriksen to be between 40 and 50 meters wide and 30 meters long. Five people were evacuated. There is no indication that anyone has been caught in the landslide, say the police. Photo: Ole Edvin Tangen / news Published 11.06.2024, at 12.53 Updated 11.06.2024, at 13.32
