Jonas Henriksen may have been tricked into the cabin – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

On Thursday afternoon, the 30-year-old was found dead in a remote cabin area five miles north of Hønefoss. The cabin where he was found is located by Vestre Bjonevatnet, deep in the forest. There is dense vegetation and it is almost impossible to see into the cabin from the forest road below. The police investigators are putting together a complicated puzzle, and this is one of the central pieces: When did Henriksen arrive at the crime scene, why was he there and what happened up there in the forest? Henriksen ran a truck company and well drilling. Was he there at work? INVESTIGATOR: Police attorney Tine Henriksen says they have received many tips in the case. Photo: JON PETRUSSON A central theory is that he may have been tricked into the discovery site, either through a fake job assignment or in another way. – We have received a lot of interesting information that can shed light on, among other things, why he was there, but I can’t say anything more about that now, says police attorney Tine Henriksen to news. – Do you have a theory that he may have been tricked up there? – It would be a natural hypothesis to investigate, but it is far too early to conclude whether that is the case, says the police attorney. No one arrested According to news’s ​​information, the 30-year-old was in contact with friends and acquaintances on Wednesday afternoon. The police believe he was killed on Thursday, the same day he was found. They are now investigating whether there are more crime scenes than the discovery site at the cabin in Nes. – We have received answers to various investigations which mean that we are beginning to form a picture of where the crime scene is. But I cannot say anything about where it is in relation to the discovery site, she says to news. After nearly six days of intense investigation, the police are still without any arrests. According to Henriksen, tips are continuously coming in that need to be checked out. – No one has yet been arrested in the case. We are carrying out a number of new investigative steps, and we are questioning a number of witnesses today, she says to news. Found by an acquaintance The police are now working to find out if Henriksen had planned any meetings in the cabin area on the day he was found. – It is something we are specifically investigating, and we are starting to get information about it. But we have not concluded, she says to news. It was an acquaintance of Henriksen’s who traveled out to the deserted cabin area and found the 30-year-old. According to the police, the person in question must have become concerned because he was unable to make contact with him. – The comrade had not made contact with after several attempts, and then began to investigate, she says. It was the friend who contacted the police. Investigator tagging In the time before Henriksen was found murdered, the words “Tyster Jonas” were tagged in several places in Hønefoss. news has been in contact with people who were close to Henriksen. They say that he thought the tagging was about himself, and that he was scared after he discovered it. Yesterday, the police confirmed to news that the tagging was now part of the murder investigation. – We are investigating it with the tagging and taking investigative steps, says police attorney Henriksen to news. Tip news’s ​​crime group: Do you have information about this case or other crime cases? Contact news’s ​​crime group. You can tip us off by e-mail or through news’s ​​encrypted notification service. Here you can tip us anonymously. We also treat all tips confidentially, in line with the Vær varsom poster’s rules on source protection. Timeline of the murder case: Jonas Aarseth Henriksen was found dead near a cabin in Nes in Ådal, on Thursday afternoon. The police assumed that the death was being investigated as a suspicious death, on Friday evening. After the police received the preliminary autopsy report, they chose to investigate it as murder. The police also confirmed on Saturday morning that Jonas Aarseth Henriksen has the status of being offended in several criminal cases. The police are asking people who have vehicles with dashboard cameras who have driven this stretch in the period Thursday 17 August between 05.00 and 18.00 to contact the police; E16 Hallingby to Nes i Ådal County road 2320 Bjonevika – Bjoneroa County road 245 Jevnaker – Fluberg bridgeShow more
