Jonas Gahr Støre believes the suffering in Gaza will continue for a long time – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The war in Gaza between Hamas and Israel has lasted for over a month. According to Palestinian health authorities, almost 11,000 Palestinians have been killed in the fighting. Over 4,000 of these will be children. The Israeli defense forces entered the Gaza Strip after Hamas carried out a terrorist attack against Israel on 7 October which claimed the lives of 1,400 people. Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) is interviewed by news’s ​​Middle Eastern correspondent Yama Wolasmal. Photo: Sofie Gran Aspunvik / news In an interview with news, Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) says that he finds it difficult to see that the battles we are seeing now can lead to a lasting solution in the Middle East. – The children who are not killed, but survive in the hell that is in Gaza now, will not be reconciled to the future. That is why I think the political horizon for what this military operation will be is discouraging, and getting worse with each passing day. Right to defend oneself Støre is horrified by the pictures coming from Gaza that show the suffering and destruction the bombing has brought. – There is enormous devastation with lost human lives and many injuries. This means that the suffering will continue in the future. In addition, the blockade means that they do not have access to medicine, food and water. We believe this is a violation of the international law of war. – Do the Palestinians have the right to defend themselves? – Yes, completely revealed. The Palestinians have resisted occupation for many years. It has been 30 years since the Oslo Agreement shifted the focus from violent struggle to cooperation that would provide a two-state solution. On the Palestinian side, there is frustration and resignation that it seems to be becoming less and less possible. – What is the right way for the Palestinians to defend themselves? – I should be careful about going into that, but it is naive to believe that you will not be met with resistance when you move in with tanks. Then I would also like to say that Hamas cynically uses civilians as shields. It is also a violation of the international law of war. Blame for double standards When Russia invaded Ukraine in February last year, Western countries were quick to condemn. In addition, economic sanctions were introduced against Russia and Russian nationals. But the West has not gone as far towards Israel in this conflict. – Many in the Muslim world believe that the West operates with double standards, and ask whether Palestinian lives are not worth as much as Ukrainian lives? – I understand the question being raised. But we are busy being clear about what is happening. We condemn violations of international law. And then there are various conflicts. But we strive to avoid operating with double standards. – Are you afraid to criticize Israel? – I am obsessed with speaking truthfully and clearly. We have a long-standing relationship with Israel. I speak directly to Israeli leaders. I don’t think the impression left has been that Norway is afraid to speak up. – Have you been as clear about Israel as we were about Russia? – There are two different situations. I think we have been clear about Israel. The starting point here is that Israel was exposed to a terrorist attack. Then we were clear that they should be able to defend themselves. I never said that Russia had the right to enter Ukraine. it is put together in different ways. But when it concerns civilians and the cost they take, I think we are clear and clear in both cases. – The occupation is a tragedy Even though it was a terrorist attack that triggered the war in Gaza, it is Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory that has caused this conflict to continue for many decades. – According to the UN, it is Israel’s occupation and not Hamas’ attack that is the root of the conflict. Do you agree with that? – The occupation is a deep tragedy, both because he does not give Israel security in the long term, and because he has expelled Palestinians. – How can we end the occupation? – A two-state solution. – Is it realistic? – She is extremely vulnerable. But it is not my right to say that we kill the demand of the Palestinians and their right to their own state. I will be the first to admit that it will take time before we can get a functioning Palestinian state. Israel must take great responsibility for that. But also divisions on the Palestinian side between Hamas and other groups. – But isn’t it naive to still believe in a two-state solution? – It is naive to think that she can get around the next bend. After the terrible things that are happening in Gaza now, it will come a day after. Then we are concerned that the two-state solution must be put on the table again. We have to work for that if we are to have hope for something resembling a peaceful development.
