Jon Fosse receives the Nobel Prize in Literature – news Culture and entertainment

– The Nobel Prize in Literature 2023 goes to Jon Fosse for his innovative drama and prose that gives voice to the unreal. Such was the foundation from the Swedish Academy when they announced who would be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. Furthermore, the jury pointed out that Fosse has shown very special abilities as a playwright right from the start. He is praised for his completely special and peculiar way of writing. – I was surprised, but at the same time Fosse says to news that it is a great recognition to be awarded this prize. – I was surprised when they called, but at the same time not. I have carefully prepared myself for this to happen in the last ten years. It was a great pleasure for me to receive the phone! Fosse got the phone call with the storekeeper a little before everyone else today. And then the phone beeped and rang in one set, says Fosse, who had traveled to Frekhaug in Nordhordland to protect himself if he won the Nobel Prize. Photo: Stian Sørum Røkenes / news There had been speculation that Fosse would possibly receive the Nobel Prize at the forefront, something that has been speculated almost every year since 2001. Jon Fosse (b. 1959) Jon Fosse is an award-winning author, marketer and playwright from Hardanger Since 2011, he has lived in Grotten, “The state’s honorary residence for deserving artists”, in Oslo. He is considered one of the most important writers of our time. Fosse made his debut 40 years ago, in 1983. Since then he has written around seventy novels, stories, poems, children’s literature, essays and skit plays. His publications have been translated into over 50 languages. He has received a number of awards at home and abroad. The author is known for his distinctive language and musical, repetitive and rhythmic writing style. Low-key celebration with the family Jon Fosse normally lives in Grotten, the state’s artist residence in central Oslo, but on this occasion has traveled to Frekhaug in Nordhordland for a low-key celebration with his family. – I will try to enjoy the award, says Fosse to news. Although he acknowledges that receiving a Nobel Prize is the greatest prize one can receive within literature, Fosse is most happy for Nynorsk today. – I am happy for Nynorsk’s part. It is not without reason that Fosse has been predicted year after year as the winner of the Nobel Prize. This year marks 40 years since he made his debut with the novel “Raudt, svart”, and since around the turn of the millennium Fosse has been an internationally recognized author and playwright. Photo: Tom Kolstad / Samlaget Samlaget: – Unbelievable Editor at Samlaget, Cecilie Seiness, is overcome with excitement shortly after she learned that their own author is receiving a Nobel Prize. – It’s unbelievable! My hands are shaking. This is a big day for Jon Fosse and Samlaget – and the Nynorsk not least! Here Samlaget learns that Jon Fosse will receive the Nobel Prize. When news met editor Cecilie Seiness (left) the day before, the publisher had not set up a party. But there were pages from Hardanger in the cupboard, just in case. Now they will probably use bubbles. Photo: Ida Yasin Andersen / news The Prime Minister congratulates Congratulations from home and abroad have poured in since the news was announced. Author colleague Jo Nesbø, culture minister Lubna Jaffery and leader of Norges Mållag, Peder Lofnes Hauge, are among those who send their congratulations. Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre also paid tribute to Fosse today. On Twitter/X he writes: – The Nobel Prize in Literature to Jon Fosse! A great recognition of a unique authorship that makes an impression and touches people all over the world. All of Norway congratulates and is proud today! First time in 95 years The last time a Norwegian won the Nobel Prize in literature was 1928 and the recipient was Sigrid Undset. Now the year is 2023 and the winner’s name is Jon Fosse. The Nynorsk author thus neatly joins the ranks of big Norwegian authors who have previously been awarded the prestigious prize. In chronological order: Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson (1903), Knut Hamsun (1920), Sigrid Undset (1928) and this year, Jon Fosse. Historic day for Nynorsk It is the first Nynorsk user to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. – Not the least, I choose to see the award as a prize for Nynorsk and for the Nynorsk destination. Whether I want to or not, I really have to thank Nynorsk for the award, says Fosse. Even though Jon Fosse marks 40 years of writing this year, he has no intention of giving up. – Now, composing and writing is a way of living for me, so I probably won’t give up as long as I manage to write. I will sign as before. Facts about the Nobel Prize in Literature The Nobel Prize in Literature is one of the five Nobel Prizes awarded by the Nobel Foundation. It is the members of the Swedish Academy who decide who receives the prize. The award is considered very prestigious. Three Norwegian authors have won the prize: Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson in 1903, Knut Hamsun in 1920 and Sigrid Undset in 1928. Winners of the prize in the last ten years: 2022: Annie Ernaux (France) 2021: Abdulrazak Gurnah (Great Britain) 2020: Louise Glück (USA) ) 2019: Peter Handke (Austria) 2018: Olga Tokarczuk (Poland) 2017: Kazuo Ishiguro (Great Britain) 2016: Bob Dylan (USA) 2015: Svetlana Aleksievich (Belarus) 2014: Patrick Modiano (France) 2013: Alice Munro (Canada) 2012: Mo Yan (China) The prize has been awarded every year since 1901 (with the exception of the years 1914, 1918, 1935, 1940-1943). In 2020, the price was ten million Swedish kroner.
