Johnny Depp comeback – plays Louis the 15th in Maïwenn’s new film about Jeanne du Barry – news Culture and entertainment

It’s only been a year since Johnny Depp was in the media, but for completely different reasons than his acting achievements. The lawsuit against the ex-wife was referred to as the biggest celebrity lawsuit in Hollywood for a long time and even with Depp’s claim that Amber Heard had defamed him. Now Depp is back on the big screen for the first time since the trial, but the collaboration with Depp was not all easy, according to the filmmaker. He has not acted in a film for five years, and in the role of Louis the 15th, Johnny Depp is making a comeback after the court case between him and his ex-wife Amber Heard. Photo: Stephanie Branchu – “Måtte” made a film about the royal mistress The story of the royal mistress Jeanne du Barry is well documented through books, works of art and film. But the French star director, Maïwenn Aurelia Nedjma Le Besco, believes the representations give an incorrect picture of what the mistress of Louis the 15th was actually like. Maïwenn wanted to portray Jeanne du Barry in the right way. In the new film, she is portrayed as a generous, brave and charismatic woman with a good heart, as she should have been in reality. Some of the lavish costumes are made by Chanel. Photo: Stephanie Branchu This is what the creator of the film told news when she was in Oslo earlier this autumn. – I “had” to make this film. I also couldn’t resist playing the main role myself, says Maïwenn. She is both director and lead actor. Maïwenn knew she had to make the film about Jeanne du Barry – and play her herself. – I feel myself in her. We are twin souls. Photo: news The perfect Ludvig the 15th. When the main role was in place, Maïwenn had to find the perfect shoe dancer to fill the role of Ludvig the 15th. She was determined that Johnny Depp was the right person. – He is complex and controversial, romantic but dark – just like the king himself. When I met him in London to ask him to take the role, we sat and talked for hours. He was very flattered and fortunately said yes, she says. Johnny Depp in the role of Louis the 15th Photo: Stephanie Branchu Say yes before the uproar over the trial The meeting between Maïwenn and the future Louis the 15th took place before the trial of Depp and Amber Heard set the international press on fire. But that does not change the director’s desire to have Depp in the role. – I knew that it would be complicated to launch the film because of the court case and that I was going to receive criticism for still wanting him. But he is a fantastic shoe player and no one can say anything about that. Johnny Depp is instructed by filmmaker Maïwenn during the recording. She had to juggle between being a director and a shoemaker, and therefore wears a dress under her tracksuit. Photo: Stephanie Branchu Challenging the hierarchy – It was not always easy to work with Depp. At times it was difficult to understand his methods, says the filmmaker. Maïwenn also thinks a cultural clash between them may have been a factor. – In a creative process, American shoe players work differently to us Europeans. Sometimes it was Johnny Depp and his crew in one camp, and me and mine in another. After she saw “Marie Antoinette” in 2006, Maïwenn was enchanted by the story of the daughter of a poor seamstress who ended up as the lover of a king in the castle of Louis the 15th. Photo: Stephanie Branchu She thinks Depp challenged the hierarchy on set, but tells news that she then had to be clear about who decided: – The boss is the director, not the star. The film police gave the film a 4. Read the entire message from “Jeanne du Barry” here. The film premieres in Norwegian cinemas from 3 November.
