John Cleese revives Hotel in a special class – news Culture and entertainment

The much-loved and iconic comedy series Fawlty Towers is returning, over 40 years after the series ended. Fans can also enjoy the return of actor John Cleese as eccentric hotelier Basil Fawlty. The main element of the series is his eccentricity and incomparable body language. In the old series, Fawlty met his lost daughter, who was played by John Cleese’s actual daughter – Camilla Cleese. The new series will revolve around how their relationship is put to the test when the two team up to run a hotel. Otherwise, little is known about the new series and when it will arrive, other than that it will be about “how the exaggerated, cynical and misanthropic Fawlty navigates the modern world”, according to the British The Guardian. ANNIVERSARY: Fawlty Towers celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2009. John Cleese, Connie Booth and Andrew Sachs celebrated. Now the series has something new to celebrate, namely a comeback. Photo: Edmond Terakopian / AP Considered one of the best of all time In addition to playing the main roles, the father-daughter team is also responsible for the work on the script. Cleese has had a role in the scriptwriting from the start, along with co-writer and co-star Connie Booth. In the 1975 and 1979 seasons, the series was about the employees of an English seaside hotel, including Booth, and the challenges they faced on match day. But it is uncertain whether Booth, or other familiar faces from the seventies, will be seen again in the upcoming series. Today, the series is regarded as one of the most ground-breaking sitcoms, and tends to feature high in ratings of the best British sitcoms of all time. For example, the phenomenon was named the best British comedy when the Radio Times conducted a vote in 2019. – In line with Chaplin FILMVITER: Brita Møystad Engseth believes that John Cleese at his best was on a par with Charles Chaplin. Photo: Karen Sveen / news The series has also been successful in Norway, and it has been a faithful supplier of laughter to thousands of homes. Film critic Brita Møystad Engseth says she grew up with the series, and believes that for many it represents rich doses of nostalgia. – The series took off completely. It was a wonderful combination of snarky lines and clear comedy. In his heyday, he was on a par with Charles Chaplin when it came to depicting joy and pain and comic situations without sound. Broke and need money What does she think about a sequel? She believes it will be a commercial success, but probably not an artistic one. And why the series is coming at all, she explains like this: – I understand that Clesse is doing this because he is a tinkerer, after having to pay wild contributions after the divorce for many years. She finally points out that Cleese is now an over 80-year-old man, who will try to mirror the present. – What will be very exciting is how the series can be transferred to 2023. Because it had an attitude towards women and foreigners that would not pass today. HONOURS: John Cleese has won many awards throughout a long life as a comedian. And even though he is now well into his 80s, he has faith that he can make new generations laugh. Photo: Amel Emric / AP – Destined to be Terrible Although many fans are euphoric about the comeback, not everyone is thrilled with the news. Commentator in The Guardian Stuart Heritage finds the butcher’s knife already, long before the series arrives. – Have you spent the last day or so with unexplained stomach pains? Me too. And I think I know why. I think it’s because John Cleese is rebooting Fawlty Towers. And he adds: – It is destined to be terrible.
