Johansson in place at RBK – identifies with Nils Arne Eggen – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

– I will be honest and say that I have found some Youtube clips of Eggen’s interviews back in the day. I have also read a bit in Go’foten. So I know more than most Swedes about Eggen. That’s what Alfred Johansson says, looking up at the wall at the Nils Arne lodge in Lerkendal. Here are many of the coaching legend’s most famous quotes. A lesson he wants to take with him into the job, not distance himself from it. – He looks at all walls – Great passion for football, Rosenborg and Trøndelag. A great belief in a way of playing football. On interaction and an offensive way of playing football. This is how he describes what he has learned from Nils Arne Eggen’s good foot theory so far. And he understands how important he is to the supporters. – You see him on all the walls at Lerkendal and at Brakka. You also get an incredible amount of questions about Eggen, so I understand how much he means here. Alfred Johansson has read a little in Nils Arne Eggen’s Godfoten. Photo: Bent Lindsetmo / news Recognizing himself in Eggen Alfred Johansson is 33 years old, comes from Sweden and has previously coached the junior team for FC Copenhagen. He also believes himself that there are similarities between him and Nils Arne Eggen. – I am absolutely certain that to win football matches, you have to create something together. You must have a strong passion for the way football is played, and how the club should appear as a whole. So there are parts we have in common. And if anyone was wondering: Johansson will play 4-3-3. Nils Arne Eggen is considered one of the best football coaches, if not the very best, in Norwegian history. Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB It’s important to take care of the heritage – Johansson should take parts of the Goodfoot legacy to Nils Arne. Those that are about interaction, respect for people and creating a good collective. And for that share everything about direct and offensive football. That’s what news sports commentator Jan Petter Saltvedt says. But he is also clear that Johansson must be allowed to come up with his vision and philosophy. – He enters Rosenborg as a man for the future. He has no prerequisites for knowing history or culture or the black-and-white requirement specification. Therefore, he should also be allowed to operate on a completely independent basis – and also be judged accordingly. Sports commentator at news, Jan Petter Saltvedt. Photo: Lars Thomas Nordby / news
