Jews in Norway experience vandalism and threats to their homes – Latest news – news

30 October 2023 at 17:29 DMT: Jews in Norway experience vandalism and threats to their homes Jewish families in Norway do not feel safe in their own homes, and have experienced several threatening incidents in recent days, according to Det Mosaiske Trossamfund (DMT). In a press release, the religious community writes, among other things, that Jews in Norway have had pram wheels cut open and been woken up at night by someone trying to open the front door. A middle school boy was threatened that his house would be bombed, and a Jewish participant who wanted to show solidarity with civilian victims on both sides of the war was threatened and shoved. – The basic security we should all feel in our own homes is threatened as a result of such attacks, writes DMT. According to the religious community, Jews in Norway are now feeling the effects of the change of words around Israel and Palestine in a way they cannot remember in this generation. The Mosaiske Trossamfund calls the situation “a warning not only to our minority, but to democracy in Norway” and a direct threat to Norway’s small and vulnerable Jewish minority. (NTB)
