Jens Aklestad (20) in Fjord municipality can become the Labor Party’s youngest mayor – news Møre og Romsdal – Local news, TV and radio

Fjord municipality is located a short hour’s drive from Ålesund. A municipality that is large in area, but only has around 2,500 inhabitants. It is known for its strawberry village, and lies in the middle between the tourist attractions of Geiranger and Trollstigen. There is also the Labor Party’s youngest mayoral candidate, Jens Aklestad. – I have heard that many people are skeptical about my young age, but it is my aim to convince them that it is not the age that matters – but the ambitions and visions for the municipality, says the mayoral candidate. Jens Aklestad is on his way to the town hall in Stordal in Fjord municipality. There is full focus on the election campaign going forward. Photo: Remi Sagen / news Power in a municipality We are with the 20-year-old around the sprawling municipality. On a ferry full of excited tourists and through narrow, twisting tunnels. The sun peeks out, the fjord sparkles and the mountains are majestic. In the autumn, Aklestad may get a lot of power right in his lap, but he is not worried about that. He is ready. – I live for us to make everyday life better for everyone. Then it is important to me that we get the position of being able to step in and help people with their everyday problems. – But are you qualified enough to actually manage an entire municipality? – There are big discussions about it. I have heard many people who are skeptical, but I have faith. I have a large team of good people behind me, so if there is something I can’t get done on the first try, I have the contacts – and then we will be able to solve it. Jens Aklestad on the ferry across the fjord to Eidsdal in Fjord municipality. He wants to work for a better ferry service if he becomes mayor. Photo: Remi Sagen / news Senior politician Simen Sandelien (51) stated in mid-June that the best age for a politician is between 30 and 70, and that it is natural that young people do not become local politicians. Sandelien believes, among other things, that when you have reached the age of 30, you have to a greater extent gained the opportunity and the abilities to see society as a whole. And that many young people have enough with studies, work and family life. The mayoral candidate reacts to that. – I think that’s just nonsense, quite simply. I think it is an actual democratic problem if you write off an entire generation in that way. I think all voices are important, and it will be important that everyone regardless of age, ethnicity or background is heard, says Aklestad. About 50 years in age difference. Jens Aklestad (20) can take over for mayor Eva Hove (68) in the autumn. Photo: Remi Sagen / news Is politics too much for adults? Inside the town hall in Stordal in Fjord municipality, we meet current mayor Eva Hove (Ap), who has been in local politics since 1988. Now she passes the baton on to the young mayoral candidate, who is approximately 50 years younger. – There are many people my age in politics who take part in making decisions, so it will be exciting to see how things will go when we let the younger forces take over, says the mayor. But she has great faith in Aklestad, and describes him as an outgoing person who takes responsibility and is well versed in matters. – How do you think the people will accept someone going from someone who is 68 years old to someone who is 20 years old? – It will be exciting. I think many people are reserved and think that politics is for well-grown people. But I have good faith that when people think about it and hear what Jens stands for, they will support him. The roles can be reversed. Now mother Anne Kristin Aklestad is Jens Aklestad’s boss at Muritunet, but in the autumn they may both end up in the municipal council. Son as mayor, and mother as local council representative. Photo: Remi Sagen / news Can become mother’s boss The tour continues to the strawberry village of Valldal and the rehabilitation center Muritunet, where Aklestad works part-time. There we also meet his mother, the head chef. She had never imagined that her son would be a mayoral candidate at the age of 20. – But the commitment is great, so I have great faith that this will work, she says. Mother Aklestad is also standing for election to the municipal council for the Labor Party, so perhaps the roles will be reversed. – Now she is my boss, and then I can become her boss in the autumn, says the 20-year-old, laughing. There is a good atmosphere among the colleagues at Muritunet in Valldal. On the left is Elisabeth Golten. Photo: Remi Sagen / news Colleague Elisabeth Golten knows both Aklestaden well. She believes he got the gift of speaking from his mother, and has full confidence in him as a potential mayor. – He has good contact with the young people, and that is important these days. Then he can get the young people back here to the village. Mother Aklestad hopes her son will become mayor, but when it comes to her place in the municipal council she is not particularly worried. – I have a speaking tube then, so it goes well anyway, she says and laughs. Valldal village where Jens Aklestad grew up. Photo: Remi Sagen / news
