Jeanette Hegg Duestad’s mental battle – Olympics Paris 2024

On Sunday morning, she came second in the qualification for 10 meter air rifle, and is thus ready for the final on Monday. But along the way she experienced a solid swing. Halfway into the series of 60 shots, she was close to setting a world record. 25 of the 30 shots were what news’s ​​expert Ola Lunde calls “deep tens”, i.e. shots with more than 10.5 points. She was in a solid lead – to the extent that such a thing exists in shooting. – The start is completely crazy. I have steel control. Even if there is some tension, I dare to do what I have to do. It’s incredibly good. I’m enjoying myself, Duestad said after the competition. But after the good start came the problems. Had to take a long break Duestad got three relatively bad hits in a row. She took a long pause where she walked away from the discs. Then she had a chat with the Norwegian coach. She then took a long time to get going again. She adjusted both the leg position and the weapon. – This is a critical point, said Ola Lunde in news’s ​​radio studio. PAUSE: Here Hegg Duestad sits and rests by the post. Then she also brought out some motivational words she has written for herself. Photo: Hans Solbakken / news During the break, news’s ​​reporter saw that Duestad was leaning against a post, while she looked at the others who continued the shooting. There, the Norwegian medal hopeful took out a book where she has written motivating words and thoughts for herself. – I have the book, with some new notes. I have written something just before. What bites the most. I look at it a bit along the way if I’m out cycling. It is actively used. – There was a smiley at the top. It’s important to have fun. It’s just to be happy, she says. Men’s final: Jon-Hermann Hegg missed the last shot – 0.2 points away from the final. – I know it can crack When she finally started shooting again, she shot unsteadily for a while. She lost the clear lead. With 20 shots left in the competition, she had to find her flow again to be guaranteed a place in the final. She managed that. The last 20 shots were at an almost as stable high level as the first 30. Thus she ended up with 633.2 points. It gave second place in the qualification behind Hyojin Ban from South Korea. – There will be a lot of thoughts. Then I am perhaps most satisfied that I am able to get back inside. I know it can crack. So to collect it again, I’m incredibly happy with that, says Duestad. Jeanette Hegg Duestad Born 11/01/1999 in Tønsberg Bur at Borgen in Ullensaker. Is from Revetal in Vestfold. In the Olympics in Tokyo 2021, she is still in 4th place in both the 10 meter air rifle and 50 meter rifle. European Championship gold in 10 meter air rifle 2023 World Championship bronze in 50 meter rifle in 2022. Beat her own record The score in the end is better than when she set an Olympic record in the qualification during the Tokyo Games in 2021. – I think at the end that I must try to break the Olympic record. I have to try to prove to myself that I have improved in three years. It was incredibly fun, she says. Duestad has also previously produced self-written notes. Already before the Olympics, she told news that it is where she writes mental messages to herself that she glances at between shots to find the right focus. In addition to the technical details she will focus on, Jeanette Hegg Duestad’s book often contains instructions to have fun. The message “enjoy f***” was not included in the Olympic qualification, but instead a smiley. Photo: Hans Solbakken 17-year-old Synnøve Berg fought for a long time to get into the top eight for the final, but it didn’t last. Berg finished in 14th place. – I spoke positively to myself and took one shot at a time. I manage to do it very well. I’m also working on the balance, because it wasn’t quite what it should have been, says Berg to news. Check Ruud’s summer split: – One of the cutest things I’ve seen 00:21 Flushes down the news reporter: – Wasn’t it fun? 02:25 Towards the Olympic beds: Go straight to Ikea 00:58 Iuel’s private picture makes the teammates gape 00:56 Show more Published 28/07/2024, at 11.00 Updated 28.07.2024, at 12:48 p.m
