Janus is the longest-living turtle with two heads – Latest news – news

4 September 2022 at 08:43 Janus is the longest-living turtle with two heads The two-headed turtle Janus, named after the Roman god Janus, turned 25 years old yesterday. As far as anyone knows, Janus has thus broken the record for the longest-living turtle with two heads, reports AFP. – He only shares intestines, bladder and kidney. Otherwise, everything else is duplicated, says Janus’ carer Angelica Bourgoin. When it comes to motor skills, the right head controls the right side of the body, and the left head controls the left side, says Bourgoin. She says that the right side has a stronger personality and is more curious and alert, while the left side is more passive and greedy. Janus was born in the Natural History Museum in Geneva, from an egg that was hatched in an incubator. Janus has lived the good life here since he was born, and is woken up every morning with music and cuddling. The turtle most likely would not have survived in the wild. At the museum, the stars are pampered with daily hot baths and UV rays, walks and massages. Carer Bourgoin believes that is the reason why he has lived so long.
