Jakob Ingebrigtsen won – European record slipped – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

– It’s very fun. There’s a big bang on the starting line and you can hear the roar of cheers. I really appreciate that people are so committed. It means an incredible amount, says Jakob Ingebrigtsen after the race. He is perhaps one of the few who was happy with the weather at the stadium. – It is perhaps most mental. But it’s okay when all other things are in place, so then it’s just up to myself. So everything was very good tonight. I am very happy, and hopefully I can take a lot with me towards next week, says Ingebrigtsen. The records motivate Ingebrigtsen to run the Bislett Games for the first time since 2019, and he was the big favorite to take the victory in the English mile. One of the tensions was whether he could break Steve Cram’s 37-year-old European record of 3.46.32. It did not work out, but he became the first Norwegian to win the dream mile at Bislett. He finished in a time of 3.46.46, which is a Norwegian record in the distance. It is also the best of the year in the world. – I feel I have to help myself a little to keep myself up. If I take everything at once, there is not much to come back to next year, he says about the records he could take on Thursday night. – When you get things done, it is of course very cool. But it is motivating not to take all the records at once, so you can hunt for something next time. Praised by Henrik Ingebrigtsen It went fast in the beginning, and he had two competitors ahead of him. Eventually there was also a stretch and Ingebrigtsen and the other three got a distance from the group. – It is good for the Ingebrigtsen brothers that one of them succeeds to such an extent, said Vebjørn Rodal after the race, says Vebjørn Rodal on the broadcast. – He just goes in the lead and takes over the speed and runs to the finish. He is in his own world. He is the first Norwegian person to win the dream mile, he is absolutely king, says Henrik Ingebrigtsen to news. PRAISES THE BROTHER: Henrik Ingebrigtsen is impressed with his little brother’s race. Photo: Beate Oma Dahle / NTB He thinks it bodes well before the World Cup. – It could not be better. Everything went according to plan, and he looks insanely strong, says big brother Ingebrigtsen. He will now do what he can so that little brother Jakob gets the best possible charge for this summer’s championship. – I can steer him away from the traps, that’s my most important job. Make sure he does not make the same mistakes as I have made, says Henrik Ingebrigtsen.
