Jakob Ingebrigtsen had to be held back by his brothers before the EC triumph – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– When you take away the competition, it often turns out that he competes with himself in training. And that is dangerous. It’s almost a vicious circle, which just keeps on going, says Henrik Ingebrigtsen. Because with two championships in just one month, Jakob Ingebrigtsen has been forced to follow his plan to the letter. The result has been three golds and one silver. And the 21-year-old admits that sometimes it is one of the brothers who has seen the brakes during training. – It is perhaps mostly on the toughest sessions. I will not hide the fact that I like to run and like to run fast. I’m not necessarily happy to get tired, but I’m happy to feel mastery, and I like to get the most out of that in the key sessions where we try to run a little fast to almost stimulate competition, he explains. – Comfortable with measuring forces Part of the training plan of a top runner is obviously to reduce the load. One can run fast, but preferably also as cheaply as possible. FOUR ON A TRIP: Jakob Ingebrigtsen brought both Kristoffer (tv), Henrik and Filip to Switzerland before the EC. Photo: Instagram, screenshot @jakobing – I am a competitive person who enjoys measuring strength. Then it’s a bit like that they have to hold me back a bit so as not to push more than we have planned and stop there. You don’t always need to push to see how fast you can run. But it’s a lot of fun, acknowledges Jakob Ingebrigtsen with a small smile. He went straight from the WC in Eugene to the summit in St. Moritz. There were also the older brothers Henrik, Filip and Kristoffer. Well, as much for the company as the training itself. – Of course he gets free play, there is no shouting, but we just want him to do the training as well as possible. Sometimes that means holding back. Filip and I know very well how difficult it is to hold back when the form is good, says Henrik Ingebrigtsen. GOLDEN MEETING: Henrik Ingebrigtsen waited patiently in the dark outside the Olympic Stadium in Munich to give his little brother yet another golden hug. – Not particularly social Now the two brothers will have a short break from each other. Because right after the Bislett Games in mid-June, they traveled together to the USA, and they have been together ever since. Day after day for nine weeks. – Jakob is not particularly social, but he does not like being alone. He needs someone around him and he really only needs an audience now and then to be able to talk about the things he wants, reveals Henrik Ingebrigtsen, and continues: – He doesn’t want to be bothered. He doesn’t want people around him who are fussy. It is a delicate balancing act. It actually fits very well, nobody is that talkative at training camp. But some days we solve the value problem. – They have been together for many days, how tired are they of each other? – If we had been on tour for another month, I would have made him finally like me, finally, I think, answers the older brother and laughs. WC JUBILEE: Henrik Ingebrigtsen congratulates Jakob Ingebrigtsen on the WC gold in the 5000 meters in Eugene. Photo: JON OLAV NESVOLD / BILDBYRÅN – I think tired is the wrong word, but I think variety can be a good thing. Now it has been a bit one-sided in recent months, but we have produced many good results. That’s what it says and we have to be satisfied with that, says Jakob Ingebrigtsen. At the same time, he gives the brothers part of the credit for their achievements this summer, but now both are happy to go home to Sandnes for a short trip. – We’ve actually had a pretty good time this summer, but we’ve been very motivated and disciplined with regard to the plan we’ve laid out. We both knew when we started this bullshit that it would take a lot, but it has been worth it, says Henrik Ingebrigtsen.
