Jacobsen sent an e-mail to the athletes after the news case – got a clear answer from Golberg

Cross-country profile Pål Golberg believes that we have never been further away from a discussion about Russian participation than now, but believes that Jacobsen has become a target after her suggestion that athletes should not be discriminated against on the basis of passports. The statement came during a meeting of the International Olympic Committee. There, among other things, the participation of athletes from Russia and Belarus was discussed. – We athletes received an e-mail from Astrid here, where she explained a bit that maybe, well… The point was that it should come up for discussion. I just answered nicely that it has probably never been further away from getting to such a discussion than it is now, says Pål Golberg to news – and asks the following question: – Sport should not discriminate, but yes, what is the alternative? – What do you think of her bringing up that discussion? asks news’s ​​reporter. – Astrid has not pulled it off on her own, but through the position she has, she becomes something of a target for many. Yes … it is fine that the IOC wants everyone to take part in sports, but then it must be allowed to speak out when and where the situation is as it is. ELITE RUNNER: Pål Golberg is number two in the World Cup after Johannes Høsflot Klæbo. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB – So for you it is like that a war must be over before then? – In any case, I believe that we are further away now than we have been at any time since 24 February. Astrid Uhrenholdt Jacobsen is the leader of the Norwegian athletes’ committee, which represents the interests and views of Norway’s elite athletes. She has not responded to news’s ​​inquiries regarding the email on Friday evening. Jacobsen: “We cannot forget that in this case” news has gained access to the e-mail from several sources who do not wish to comment on the case. It was sent out on Friday morning. There, Jacobsen explains the background for the IOC statement, which stated that a large majority of athletes want Russian and Belarusian athletes to be able to return to international competitions. The e-mail has been sent out from Olympiatoppen and signed Astrid Uhrenholdt Jacobsen. She conveys in the e-mail that “The athlete committee is in contact with a wide selection of athletes, where the opinions and feelings are many both related to this and other matters. We have ongoing discussions about this. In our dialogues with international practitioner networks, we have advocated that we must start this discussion based on values ​​before discussing any consequences”. She then repeats the message that there is zero tolerance for discrimination in sport: “It also includes collective punishment of a group of people, based on ethnicity or passport. This is in line with UN human rights. We cannot forget that in this matter.” At the same time, she states that the athletes’ committee has not made any decisions and that they value thoughts and input in connection with the process. Several athletes react Several of the national team runners who went to the World Cup in Les Rousses on Friday believe it is too early to include Russian and Belarusian athletes. When asked about the topic, the steward for the distance runners, Sjur Røthe, replies that he has heard the matter: – I don’t think much of it. The way the world is now, I think it’s very good the way it is now. – What do you think of Astrid saying that? – It is certainly not easy to get input from all athletes, and I understand that. But, it is unlikely that the majority of athletes stand behind such a statement, Røthe replies. Simen Hegstad Krüger says that his position has not changed. He is clear that Russian athletes should be banned as long as the war continues. World Cup leader Johannes Høsflot Klæbo refers to the position he took in March. He then advocated that Russian athletes should not be allowed to compete as long as there was a war going on.
