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– No, I would never have thought that, is the blunt answer from Jakob Ingebrigtsen. news has just asked if he actually, quite honestly, thought that big brother Henrik would ever return to the top level. Last week it rained in Oordegem in Belgium. Henrik Ingebrigtsen lowered his personal record in the 5000 meters by almost 1.5 seconds. 13.13.99 was the time for the injured athletics star. The run amazes the weasel brother, who struggles to find suitable words to describe the feat. “Interesting”, “fascinating”, “inspiring” suggest Henrik and news’s ​​reporter about each other, while Jakob stares thoughtfully into the air. Everything is rejected. – It is incredible. It is very appropriate for this situation. Put pressure on U-truleg. It is not to be believed. TIP, TOP, THUMBS UP: Thursday’s running session again gave good answers for Henrik Ingebrigtsen. Photo: Anders Boine Verstad / news SPEED SETTER: Liva Ingebrigtsen steered the pace during the evening session, while her husband lay at the wheel. Photo: Anders Boine Verstad / news SWEAT AND GOOD: The whole family was present at the running session and there was time for a few words with the children during the lactate measurement. Photo: Anders Boine Verstad / news NEW ROUND: There was no dear mother in the 20 x 400 meters at Sandnes stadium. Photo: Anders Boine Verstad / news Henrik himself uses mythological beings to describe his own return to the top of the race. – I am like the “Phoenix Bird”. A newer and stronger Henrik will emerge from the oska, he believes, before Jakob reprimanded him. – It is unbelievable, the 22-year-old clarifies, that Fønix stands up young again and heals, while Henrik still has his scars and blemishes. Because it’s a bit of a nightmare he’s been through. Several serious injuries, several operations, months on crutches, subsequent training and illness is a short and effective, but somewhat incomplete summary of his last years running. Planned races have been cancelled, dreams have been shattered. Problema has been waiting in line and that is precisely why Jakob uses big words about the super race to his big brother in Belgium. Photo: Anders Boine Verstad / news – Henrik must be the runner who has been under the knife the most times and been the furthest down, but who has run the fastest. It is impressive, incredible, extremely strange – because it is completely insane. You’re unbelievably old, and breaking a personal record… It’s unbelievable, says Jakob, looking away at his older, tougher brother. Henrik Ingebrigtsen ran 5000 meters during the Bislett Games in Oslo on 15 June together with Zerei Kbrom Mezngi, Awet Kibrab and Magnus Tuv Myhre. Jakob Ingebrigtsen is at the start of the 1500 metres. – He is “crazy” He is determined that he would never have continued as a runner if he had been through the same thing. Henrik’s stubborn will to stand is inspiring, Jakob believes, but he could not have coped with such adversity over several years. He believes that the 32-year-old is particularly well-rounded. – He is “crazy” in a way that most people are not. There is something about standing in it, even if it goes very badly for an extremely long time. But what actually makes Henrik persevere? Henrik Ingebrigtsen set a new personal best in Belgium. After a flurry of injuries and hardships, he now receives tribute from his little brother who thinks he would quit if he had experienced a similar sports career. Stopping the other “Henriken” At the same time as he invests as a top athlete, he is a coach and organizer in Team Ingebrigtsen and a father of small children at home. GULLGUT: Henrik Ingebrigtsen went to the top in the 1500 meters during the European Championship 2012. Photo: NTB The Sandnesløparen has long been among Europe’s best middle-distance runners, with European Championship gold, silver and bronze on the merit list. He can look back proudly at the medals, but he is not full. Jumping has been his life for over 20 years, but the drive to keep going – keep improving – doesn’t disappear. – It is difficult to say when one should give up. I have felt in recent years that I have a potential that I have not realized. It is difficult to give up until I have seen how fast I can run. I’m still excited about that, he says. At the same time, he has been wiser from the injuries. Although the record run last week triggers something in him, he tries not to take off. He knows from experience that new injuries often occur when he rushes, and therefore the level of ambition is still kept sober before the season. It is due next year. Photo: Anders Boine Verstad / news – I try to tame that “Henrik” who is willing to take a lot of risks. He has managed much of the time until now. I hope I’m wise from injury. I know what it takes to get to the top, but I’m not quite there yet, says Henrik Ingebrigtsen.
