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Tandrevold shot two full houses and was among the fastest on the cross-country course in Thursday’s sprint in Lenzerheide. However, she could not do anything to French Justine Braisaz-Bouchet, who also shot full speed and went faster on the course. In the end, the French runner was 12.2 seconds ahead of Tandrevold at the finish line. – It is an absolutely enormous race. A perfect biathlon race, I must say. It will be difficult to beat that, said news’s ​​expert commentator Ola Lunde. The experts were also very impressed by Tandrevold, who took over the overall World Cup lead after last week’s World Cup race in Hochfilzen. There she also took the second World Cup victory of her career in the sprint. – She shows a completely different calmness than what she has done before in standing shooting, said expert commentator Synnøve Solemdal after Tandrevold got all five flashes in the standing shooting. – It is simply impressive. You noticed she took extra time on the last shot. She was probably a little uneasy and pulled herself in. In the past, she has only swung in the direction of the shot. Now there is a level of what she does that is simply so impressive, added Lunde. Tandrevold herself says second place means a lot to her, after she was unsure in advance how she would cope with the altitude in Lenzerheide (1400-1500 meters above sea level). – I am delighted today, not least with what I achieved on the stand. That I was able to repeat what I did last week and keep my composure there too. I’ll start trying that. It works much better, she says. Several of the Norwegian athletes delivered good races on Thursday. At the moment, Marit Ishol Skogan is close to a career best with a sixth place after two full houses, while Juni Arnekleiv is currently in tenth place. AT THE TOP: Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold impressed once again on Thursday and increased her lead in the overall World Cup. Photo: GEORG HOCHMUTH / AFP Was unsure if she would make it to the start of the season Thursday’s race joins the series of positive experiences for the Norwegian biathlon star this season. Before the season, she wanted to lower her expectations of herself after a difficult autumn. Because we don’t have to go back many months to find a period when the 27-year-old’s life was so dark. – In the autumn I was a bit like that I hoped to make it to the start of the season, and I did. That says something about how quickly things can turn around, Tandrevold said after Wednesday’s training. Tandrevold’s results, season 23/24 Östersund: Mixed relay: 2nd place 15 kilometers: 7th place Relay: 1st place Sprint: 6th place Chase start: 5th place Hochfilzen: Sprint: 1st place Chase start: 3rd place Relay: 1st place Embarrassed by own training diary Tandrevold almost had to laugh at himself when news asked about the contrasts between now and this autumn. Then she had to sit out the NM in roller ski shooting due to illness and the last height collection went down the drain. – It’s terrible to say, but the other day I had to take a little skipper’s turn, said Tandrevold in an interview with news earlier this winter. She was referring to the training diary, which she uses to log her everyday life as a top athlete. – It’s no fun writing a training diary when you’re not training at all. When I took the captaincy, I saw how it was in the training diary in September. There wasn’t much constructive. There was a lot of negativity there, she said. Tandrevold has been praised by coaches Sverre Huber Kaas and Patrick Oberegger for how she has coped with adversity. They have noticed a significant difference. – They said that it is incredibly positive that I didn’t quit once this autumn. I have done that many times during my career. They thought that was a really big step in the right direction, she grinned and continued: – Perhaps that says more about the starting point. Sometimes it’s nice to just write things down, then you get it out. It is probably excessive what I write from time to time. Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold is to be put in the chains of the hymen together with her fiancé Trygve Markset in the summer. Before this year’s biathlon season, she issued a warning to fiancé Tiril Eckhoff. Now she regrets it. Strikes a blow for women’s health In the run-up to the season, Tandrevold focused on not stressing her body unnecessarily. Rest when rest is needed, and good exercise when there is room for it. – I may have challenged my body by training excessively at times, but I have never been completely at the limit. The older you get, the better you become at listening to your body. Now she is happy to go cross-country skiing – and not least to do well when she first stands on the starting line. – I want to strike a blow for women’s health. This is just my opinion and my experience, but I think it’s even more important for girls to play with their bodies. Because there’s a lot going on, ass. Hormones and stuff. I will continue to do that, she insisted. With the troubled start fresh in her mind, she looks with relief and joy at how things have gone in the first race of the season. – Then you feel quite a few kilos lighter. It has been a demanding run-up, so I have tried to turn it around and think “what is it that I can actually do something about?”. Both technically on skis and on the shooting range. I think I’m taking a step in the right direction there, then it’s fun to cross-country ski. – How many positive words have there been in the training diaries now? – It hasn’t been updated, so not that many, hehe, but at the World Cup there are the coaches, and they’re the ones I go to when I need it. Coach Sverre Huber-Kaas said at training earlier this week that they were “very uncertain” going into the season. – But then we got good answers in Östersund and have tried to build on that, he said. It has really produced results for Tandrevold.
