– It’s terrible to say it, but everyone is prepared to die – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– It happens almost every night. There is no reason to stand up. I wake up if I hear explosions, so I check what is happening, says Ryzjykova to news. She has turned her life around with wailing sirens warning against attacks from Russia. Planes, drones and missiles fly daily over Ukraine. When news meets her on an unusually beautiful February day in Dnipro, she smiles broadly. Until this Wednesday night, there have been relatively quiet days. It is ten degrees in the air, the sun is shining and the wind is barely noticeable. The trainer has sent her a message: There will be a warm-up inside, an interval outside. She is happy. IN ENGLISH: This is what the message on the news reporter’s phone looks like when the air raid warning goes off. Photo: Fredrik Tombra / news But the plan goes down the drain before she has time to walk in the door, as so many times before. The airborne alarm breaks the silence – and the message lights up on the mobile phone that she must find her way to the nearest bomb shelter. – My plans depend on Russia’s attack plan, Ryzjykova states to news. Doesn’t want to hide If she had to lust after it every time, it would have been almost impossible to get anything done. She mostly wants to overlook her and run outside, but since there is a school and many children nearby, she does not want to set a bad example. Daylight is replaced by a dark hall. Fortunately, the alarm gives out a little during the warm-up. Ryzjykova holds out hope that there may still be some fresh air. Together with the trainer, they check the phones frequently for updates. Then the alarm howls again. – If there is danger on the way, I go into a safe area. Not a bomb room, but a room without a window. – We should do it, but not so many do. It’s terrible to say it, but everyone is prepared to die at any moment. If you have to hide every time the alarm goes off, you will be sitting in a bomb shelter for 10-12 hours a day. It is difficult. ALL HOPE IS GONE: Anna Ryzjykova and the coach look out onto the 250-metre long, oval track. They note that it is not possible to run outside. One more time. Photo: Fredrik Tombra / news Does not see her husband for six months From March to the end of September she left her husband and Ukraine. He cannot leave the country because of possible mobilization. – It is difficult. The first year was extremely difficult, because you didn’t understand what was happening. When you’re here, it’s not so scary. If something happens, it happens to you. It is more frightening for me if something happens to those closest to me. – When I’m abroad I can’t help or support anyone, so it’s more frightening. TRAINING INDOORS: Anna Ryzjykova stretches inside the facility, just on the east side of the river Dnipro. Photo: Fredrik Tombra / news Now she is in Portugal to prepare for the WC relay in the Bahamas at the beginning of May. She will be there for a few weeks before she goes back to Dnipro, for a few days with her family before the season starts. It is absolutely necessary to get the job done. The journey from Dnipro to southern Europe took two days. Therefore, she cannot be repeated too many times when the season starts. Ryzjykova has won Olympic and European Championship medals in the 4×400 meter relay and 400 meter hurdles. The ambition is to fight for precious metal in the championship this summer, although it has become more difficult after the full-scale invasion a little under two years ago.
