– It’s fun to just sit down with him – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– We are very happy with him as a person, a very nice boy. That’s what G19 national team coach Luis Pimenta tells news about the new Norwegian favorite Antonio Nusa. Pimenta had Nusa on the G19 national team as recently as March this year, but development has accelerated since then. – Take it at a crazy speed The U-national team coach believes the super talent has an X-factor that is unusual for footballers, and which has not yet received much attention. – When people see Antonio play, they see the crazy speed, technique and finishing skills, but they don’t see the invisible part, which is the preparations before the match for him to get into these situations. One must have studied the opponent and understood the battle plan in order to succeed. And he absorbs information at breakneck speed, believes Pimenta. IMPRESSED: Luis Pimenta. He believes this quality is extremely rare in football. The Portuguese says that he noticed a difference when he went from being a club coach to a national team coach. – In the club, five players take information quickly, five players quite slowly, the rest in between. In the national team, 90 percent are quick to take information. But of the 90 percent, there are a few who take it extra fast, and Antonio is there. He has an x-factor there, not just in terms of technique, speed and finishing, emphasizes Pimenta. – It’s fun to just sit down with him. Therefore, situations have arisen several times where Nusa has taught Pimenta football, not just the other way around. – Sometimes it’s fun to just sit down with him, have a coffee and talk about football and how he saw a match that was played the night before. Then I can only listen to him, he understands the game, says the G19 boss. Antonio Nusa occasionally played havoc with Jordan’s players in the national team debut at Ullevaal. Photo: Rodrigo Freitas / NTB The last thing he has done as coach for Nusa was in the match where the G19 national team qualified for the European Championship finals this summer. With a rare individual performance, Nusa scored the decisive goal against France – in France. That situation is etched in Pimenta’s memory. – It was a decisive match for us, we knew that “if we win, we are in the play-offs”. And when a goal like that happens, in such an important match, away to France, who were the biggest favorites to win the EC… Then I got a feeling of “Oh, he also performs in situations where the pressure is greatest”, says he. After the debut against Jordan, news asked Ståle Solbakken a question about how Nusa can keep their feet on the ground after such an experience. Solbakken: – 100 percent sure Solbakken also, like Pimenta, brings out the mental qualities of the youngster. – When you get your first interview with him, if you haven’t had one, you will realize that he is someone who has his feet on the ground. He is someone who is completely, completely calm. We don’t get that challenge there. I am one hundred percent sure of that. He is very, very calm. He is “down to earth”. That personality is good to have with him into the world he is about to enter, says Solbakken to news. The Norway boss says that he has had several conversations with Nusa’s coach at Club Brugge, Ronny Deila. – And he confirms what I have already experienced, a very willing and ambitious boy, but at the same time he is calm. He knows that he has to take a few more steps before he becomes the superstar we are talking about, says Solbakken. – Can’t understand that he won’t start One person who is impressed is news expert Carl-Erik Torp, who followed the match against Jordan with great interest. – A fantastic debut, he seems to be fearless, goes straight ahead and wants to show himself off. He created a lot, both with scoring and goal-scoring passes, and contributed with an incredible youthful energy and confidence, is the verdict from news expert Carl-Erik Torp after the match against Jordan. On Tuesday, Georgia awaits in the EC qualifying match at Ullevaal. Then there is a completely different scene that awaits Nusa, far more people in the stands, important matches and far more seriousness. The news expert is excited about what Solbakken will choose: – Everyone knows that it will be a completely different football match, but I cannot understand that he will not start now. At least I hope so, says Torp. When asked if Nusa is eligible for a starting place against Georgia, Solbakken replies: – He is among the 13-14 who are fighting for a place among the ten outfield players. Do you think Nusa should start the game against Georgia on Tuesday? Yes No Don’t know Show result
