Italy wanted Karsten Warholm to do the dishes

Sports director Erlend Slokvik told news late on Monday evening. – Italy filed a protest, but too late according to the deadline of half an hour after the official results are available. That means a couple of minutes after crossing the finish line, says Slokvik. Italy tried to protest after what they believed was a mistake during a hedge pass. It was at hurdle number two that things went wrong for the 27-year-old. The right leg got the most attention as he crashed into the fence with it, without it affecting his race. But it could look like the left leg was outside the fence on the left side. See the situation here: Karsten Warholm hit his knee with hurdle number two in the semi-final. After the race, it turned out that the foot was also on the outside of the fence. Would have given Italy a place in the final The clip and pictures of Warholm’s hurdle pass have been frequently shared on social media after the semi-final heat, which he won comfortably. The Finnish athlete Oskari Mörö was among those who believed that Warholm was in big trouble. – Based on the replays I have seen, there is no room for speculation. “Unfortunately, it looks like Warholm’s foot goes over the fence and is not high enough,” he told Yle. – If you follow the rule book, it looks like there is reason for disqualification, added Yle’s expert commentator Mikael Yoöstalo. The Italian newspaper La Repubblica claims Italia writes that the images “were not good enough to convince the jury”. Italy’s Alessandro Siblio was only a few tenths away from advancing. He finished fifth in Warholm’s heat with a time of 48.43. German Joshua Abuaku, who made it to the final with a fourth place, ran in with a time of 48.39. If Italy had won, Siblio would have got a place in the final. Perhaps Norway’s greatest hope for gold in the World Cup shot, as usual, from the starting blocks, but did not get off to a dream start. He hit hurdle number two, but luckily for the 27-year-old there were no consequences – neither during nor after the race. Warholm survived the race, won clearly and is thus ready for his fourth WC final. – I hit myself pretty hard. It’s not quite good, but it didn’t matter, says Warholm to news after the race. It wasn’t just the hedge pass that was noticed. Warholm coach Leif Olav Alnes was stunned by what the competitors were doing. – Mean it – What you want is to run as slowly as possible before the final. That is the ideal. But now it’s a day off too, so it’s possible to recover. You saw that there was some prestige. They didn’t want to burn everything, but no one wanted to give up either. So it was completely unnecessary to do what they did. That was the verdict from Leif Olav Alnes after seeing Karsten Warholm’s two main rivals, reigning world champion Alison dos Santos and American Rai Benjamin, in the semi-finals. The two ran in heat number two and were simply in a class of their own. They sped away from their competitors and ran side by side on the run. In the end, it was Benjamin who ran away with the victory after putting in a small sprint at the very end. – They looked fit. It’s fun, smiles Warholm’s coach Leif Olav Alnes after seeing dos Santos and Benjamin advance. Alnes was clear that he was not frightened by what he saw, but news’s ​​athletics expert Christina Vukicevic Demidov pointed out: – There is no doubt that they are serious. – “Completely unnecessary”, said Leif about them pushing each other on the run. What do you think? – Yes, there was a part of it in my heat as well, actually. Our time also passed quickly. Number three qualifies on time and gets a bad course. He runs something like 47.4, so you just have to “guess”, says Warholm. FULL CONTROL: Karsten Warholm. Photo: BERNADETT SZABO / Reuters Because it went, as Warholm says, rather quickly in his semi-final. Scarecrow When asked how much this semi-final cost, Warholm replies: – Hopefully not too much. I would say that passing that time without going all the way to the basement is a positive thing. At the same time, it costs more than yesterday, but it will do. It’s the semi-final, eight get a place in the final and it’s tough for the places. Then it will be a bit faster. news commentator Jann Post was aware that the hurdle trouble that Warholm got at hurdle number two is a mistake that must be weeded out, but that the sunning sent an ever-so-small scare shot in the direction of the rivals. – There is no doubt that the physical form is extremely good. It was a small message to the two in the heat ahead that they can expect strong opposition in the final, says news commentator Jann Post. It was the fastest heat. In comparison, Rai Benjamin won his heat with 47.22, dos Santos was second with 47.38. He was a whole second ahead of Ludvy Vaillant, who finished third. Time for revenge Warholm won the first two WC finals he participated in: He won his first WC gold in London in 2017, the second in Doha two years later. However, last summer’s WC in Eugene was a major setback after the charge was marred by injuries. Warholm was number seven – i.e. second to last – in the final. Then Alison dos Santos, one of Warholm’s main rivals, became world champion. – You look at Warholm and you wonder if he has a new record in him. He is back for revenge after the injury last year, says four-time Olympic winner Michael Johnson to the BBC. The hunt for revenge is completed on Wednesday at 9.50pm. Then the stage is set for the final in the men’s 400 meter hurdles. Kloster further in her debut A little earlier on Monday evening, Line Kloster was in action in the women’s 400 meter hurdles. She made her WC debut at the age of 33 and took care of the opportunity. From lane nine she ran in to a time of 55.23 and progressed with a fourth place. – Very, very delicious. It actually felt really good, the race. But I made too many mistakes this time and, but this time at least I moved on. And it was delicious, says Kloster to news.
