– It will not be easy – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– Winter is already here. The thermometer has crept below zero, and it is snowing in Ukraine, says Dmytro Kuleba. He has just finished a meeting with Norway’s Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide, and when asked by news, the Ukrainian minister tells about the plans to persevere through a winter that will be difficult. – We have already survived the first massive drone attack against Ukraine, 75 drones on one night last Saturday, says Kuleba. Prepared – We have prepared very well for this winter. We have strengthened our energy infrastructure and are ready to defend it. We have received several anti-aircraft systems. And of course I cannot fail to mention the famous Norwegian NASAM system, he adds. At the same time, the minister warns that there will be another Russia Ukraine’s population and military forces will have to deal with this winter. – I also have to admit that Russia has learned its lesson after last winter. They have been preparing to attack Ukraine in new ways. So both sides are well prepared, says Kuleba. – It will be a winter battle where the battle will also be about morale. We will persevere, as we always do, says Kuleba. – But it won’t be easy. Norwegian support Espen Barth Eide still promises strong and sustained support from Western countries, despite difficult discussions in the US Congress and a recent election in the Netherlands, where the winner campaigned on cutting aid to Ukraine. – We see that this is starting to be discussed in some far-right circles, such as with Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, in Hungary and in some other places. But the absolute majority of governments in Europe are very clear that this must last, says Barth Eide. He adds that the message from US Foreign Minister Blinken was the same when he met him yesterday. – Blinken believed that the American support will continue regardless of who wins the election there. Together with Kuleba, Barth Eide participated today in the first meeting at foreign minister level in the new NATO-Ukraine Council. – It is important that we do this together, not just each country separately. It provides a more systematic and long-term approach to support for Ukraine, he says.
