It will be illegal to sell vegetables in plastic in a new EU directive – news Nordland

You may remember when straws and plastic spoons were banned. The EU is now coming up with several prohibitions in its proposals. This time it’s plastic around vegetables that is in charge. But it will not affect Norway. Ban on plastic around fruit and vegetables The Norwegian Environment Agency writes in a press release that the proposal will have positive effects for the climate and the environment. Director of the Norwegian Environment Agency, Ellen Hambro. Photo: Christopher Isachsen Sandøy / news – The Norwegian Environment Agency has recently proposed to tighten the responsibility of producers, so that they must take greater responsibility for the products after they become waste, says director of the Norwegian Environment Agency, Ellen Hambro. This should contribute to more circular products. According to Hambro, the requirements set by the EU will result in less waste, and lead to the raw materials used to make the packaging being used for longer and better. These are some of the packaging that may become illegal: Plastic bags with fruit and vegetables under 1.5 kg. Packaging that holds the product together, for example plastic around three-, four- and six-packs of goods. Disposable cutlery and dishes in the hotel and restaurant industry. Portion packs for use in the hotel and restaurant industry. For example, small packets of butter. Small hotel shampoos and other disposable hygiene items. Work: – Working against packaging too much The European Commission will therefore ban plastic around fruit and vegetables under 1.5 kilograms. But this is only if the plastic is not there to prevent the vegetables from becoming dry or damaged during transport. That is, if the plastic helps to prevent food waste. Virke therefore believes that this will not have a major consequence for Norwegian grocery companies. Fruit and vegetables in Norway are wrapped in plastic, namely to prevent damage during transport or that they lose moisture. Head of sustainability in Virke, Tord Dale. Photo: news – Virke believes that the changes that have been proposed by the European Commission are largely positive. We actively work against packaging too much. That’s what Tord Dale, head of sustainability at Virke, says. – My impression is that Norway has come further than many other countries in the EU, although we can still do a lot. PLASTIC: From 1 January, it was forbidden to wrap a range of fruit and vegetables in plastic in France. Photo: Olav-Johan Hemminghyth A daily grocery store that was not given Leader of the environmental protection association, Ruben Mjelde Oddekalv, believes it is a step in the right direction. – That is the way we have to go in Norway as well. With small delays, I am very positive about this. Nevertheless, he believes that the argument about food waste will quickly become a pillow for the industry. – It is used by a grocery store that is not bothered. They say we must use plastic because we want to prevent food waste, says Oddekalv. – I think they should take a look at a regular grocery store. There is no reason in the world to pack kohlrabi in plastic, for example, says Oddekalv, leader of Norway’s Environment Protection Association. Photo: Adrian Nyhammer Olsen – It’s a good argument in itself, but not when it becomes an excuse and a sleeping pillow for someone who just thinks it’s comfortable to continue as before. – Do you think that is what Virke is doing in this case? – Yes, to a certain extent. Here, one actually says that one thinks it is good, but we do not bother to follow it. He thinks they should have said that a full review from product to product is necessary to see how such products can be packaged in the best possible way. – It is not done today, that is. One has started the process, but one is not finished. – Is all the plastic around vegetables in Norway there to prevent food waste? – In no way. A lot of plastic is used in Norway simply because it is easier to hang the label on the plastic. Oddekalv challenges the industry to have two thoughts in the head at the same time. He refers to the past when you managed to store potatoes and carrots through a whole season with knowledge and without plastic. – There are formidable amounts of food waste in Norway. We are forced to focus on getting rid of food waste, while at the same time we have to get better at packaging it in a sensible way. Necessary for the right packaging The packaging association, on the other hand, feels that the players want to have the most environmentally friendly solutions at all times. – The packaging association has for over 50 years worked with competence-raising measures for the packaging industry, says Kari Bunes, director of the Norwegian packaging association. – We look favorably on the EU’s proposal for common rules for sustainable packaging solutions. Fruit and vegetables contain up to 96 per cent water, so proper packaging is necessary to prevent drying out, ensure quality and reduce food waste. – How many items in Norwegian stores will this affect? – We do not have an overview of that today. We will, of course, survey this in the near future.
