It was just a tablet – a few hours later Mathias (18) was dead – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– What has happened to the twin girls in Eastern Norway hits us right in the heart, says Cecilie Ramsland. On the night of Sunday, two girls were found dead at a private address in Spydeberg in Østfold. Police, ambulance and ambulance rushed to the address where the two girls had taken a possible drug overdose. The twins Mina Alexandra and Mille Andrea Hjalmarsen were pronounced dead at the scene. – We know how terribly heavy and painful it is for the family and friends of these girls. We really feel for them, she says. Exactly nine months ago, on 10 April 2022, was a day Cecilie will never forget. Mathias. We have to talk about Mathias. He grew up in a safe and good family. He was her first born, and four years later he had a little brother. Since the children were born, mother Cecilie has devoted all her time to making sure they have everything they need. And that they are fine. Like most mothers. Morer, which the vice singer Svein Tang Wa sang about. Mathias and mother Cecilie had a very good relationship. – I’m probably a bit of a lion mother and overprotective, because you’re afraid that something bad will happen to our children, she says. Photo: Privat She always drove and picked them up when they were out doing something. For their friends, the doors were always open. And she had control over what was going on and who they were with. – I’m probably a bit of a lion mother and overprotective, because you’re afraid that something bad will happen to our children, she says. Then came adolescence. She has always had good conversations with the children about the dangers they can get into, including drugs and other intoxicants. There were also clear limits when it came to smoking and alcohol during adolescence. – He was to get his driving license from us if he did not start smoking or drinking before he was 18. I think it contributed to him having a youth without the big challenges, she says. At least they didn’t notice anything that showed he didn’t respect those boundaries. – He always came home when he was supposed to, and I was always awake when he came home, says Cecilie. Mathias. When he turned 15, he was allowed to start his license for a light motorcycle. This despite the fact that it made mother even more worried. But she thought it was good that he had something to get involved in and spend his time on. And he spent his time working after school to pay for this. He got his license for a light motorcycle in the middle of the corona era. But Mathias didn’t notice so much that he had to keep his distance and be less social during this time. – Cycling with other friends was actually a perfect way to be social. The note The 3rd of January 2022 was probably the biggest day in Mathias’s life. It was the day he turned 18. The day he had been tripping and waiting for. The day he finally came of age. The day he could drive and be allowed to drink. He sold the bike and bought himself a car. – A BMW. As he had long dreamed of. Mathias. Mathias turned 18 on 3 January 2022. Probably the biggest day in his life. The day he could finally take his certificate. Photo: Privat Together he and his mother fly to Bergen to pick up the car at the beginning of February. He was anxiously waiting for the start-up towards the end of the month, and Cecilie let him take a practice drive home to Sola. On 24 February, the car sticker also went into the can. He was incredibly happy, and expressed to his mother that now he was almost at the goal of everything he had said he was going to do. He had obtained both the driver’s license for both a car and a light motorcycle. The car had been bought, and he soon finished his second and final year at Stavanger Offshore Technical School. Now he was ready to start working in oil. For the next six weeks, he practically lived in that car, and according to Cecilie, he managed to put 8,000 kilometers on the road behind him in those weeks. It is almost 200 kilometers, or the distance between Oslo and Kragerø in the car every day for six weeks. Palm Sunday Then comes April 10. Palmsunday. Mathias. He had been driving all night with friends. He decided to join a party in the morning around six o’clock. – For some reason he had decided to take MDMA this morning. And after a few hours his heart stopped while he was at this party, says mother Cecilie. CPR was started until the ambulance arrived, which rushed him to Stavanger University Hospital. Not long after, Cecilie’s phone rang, while she was still in bed sleeping. – It was from the emergency room. And they asked if I was Mathias’s mother. She was told that Mathias had been at a party and had ingested MDMA. The heart had stopped. They were still working with him. – They wanted us to get in there as soon as we could. I asked if they had started his heart. But the answer was that they were still working, she says. Many thoughts raced through her head. How could this happen? Who had he been with? Why my son? He didn’t use drugs. He would rather drive than party. She ran down the stairs to find her roommate, Kim. – I was in shock and screamed that we had to rush to the emergency room because Mathias had suffered a cardiac arrest. When they arrived at the scene, they were told that they still couldn’t get the heart going. Therefore, they had to fly him to Haukeland hospital as soon as possible. – We got to see him immediately when they had to leave with him. She, Mathias’s father and grandmother got on the first plane to Bergen. It took far too long. There were many thoughts in my head. Mathias was in his last year at Stavanger offshore technical school when he died. The dream was to work in oil. Photo: Privat Mathias Will he survive? If he survives, will he be himself? Will he have permanent injuries? Those were the worst hours of Cecilie’s life. When they arrived in Bergen, they received the horrible message. Every parent’s nightmare. Mathias. Didn’t make it. – We were in shock. We were paralyzed. We couldn’t understand that this was happening. It had to be a nightmare, she says. Mathias was buried in Tjensvoll Chapel on 22 April 2022. He was only 18 years old. Photo: private – Now we have to wake up soon from this nightmare, I thought. But it was a reality. My beautiful, kind, good boy of only 18 years didn’t live anymore, says Cecilie. They were allowed to go in to him. But she still couldn’t realize that he was dead. He was lying there. Peaceful. Sleep. – I went up to him and gave him many hugs and kisses and held his hand, says Cecilie. He was there. She could touch him. Be close to him. – Why couldn’t he just open his eyes and look at me? Mathias. The feelings afterwards have been characterized by shock, anger, disappointment. She has been paralyzed with grief. It is difficult to understand and accept that he will never come home again. – We have realized how pointless and unfair it is that this should happen to him. What was supposed to be his best year was unfortunately his last, she says. But above all, both friends and family have been a great support for them. They have shown them a lot of love and care. It has been a good help for them to get through the days. Today, nine months later, they are left with many good memories of Mathias. – It still feels completely unreal and I can’t quite understand how this could happen to my son. The autopsy report concluded that he died from MDMA and had no other drugs or alcohol in his system. The boy, who was only 18 years old, has left a deep impression on many. Now they focus on all the memories and take one day at a time. Redd At the same time, Cecilie finds it frightening how common party drugs have become among young people today. She believes they are influenced by social media, by films and series that contain the use of narcotic substances, which portray it as tough and harmless. – They can Google themselves for information on how they can take different party drugs with a fairly low risk of mortality, and thus believe that they are safe. They don’t think about the fact that there are many factors that can affect whether they can tolerate what they are consuming, she says. She herself sat down to search for information about MDMA after Mathias died. To get an understanding of why it happened to him. What she found from the information was that there was a low mortality rate and that deaths were rare, but that they do occur. She also says that she came across posts from young people who say that they have taken higher doses than recommended and that they have hallucinated a lot. They have wondered if they were close to an overdose. The youth in this post must have taken twice as high a dose as Mathias. But survived. So why exactly did Mathias die? Cecilie has asked herself that exact question many times. The answer she has received is that it is very individual what a person can tolerate. – Young people cannot know how much they can tolerate from time to time and they are really playing Russian roulette with their lives, she says.
