– It was a shock – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– The race is as terrible as it looks on TV. It is hard and hot. At the same time, I loved it. That’s what Lucas Berg Loraas tells news just two weeks after participating in the “Spartan Race” – also known as the World Championship in desert running – in Abu Dhabi. JOY: Lucas Berg Loraas surprised himself in Abu Dhabi. Photo: Privat Videregående The student says that it was some friends of his who got the idea to participate after watching the news series Helt Ramme sporter with Nicolay Ramm and Oskar Westerlin. The TV series involves trying out some of the world’s weirdest and wildest sports. Ramm had to sit out the competition as a result of a UTV crash, but influencer and TV profile Westerlin completed the desert race a year ago. The episode was shown this autumn. – I thought my friend was joking when she asked if I wanted to join. But then it turned out that it was serious, so I thought “why not?”. There is, of course, inspiration from Helt Ramme sporter, says Loraas. The case was first discussed in Tønsbergs Blad. – The cramps were the worst After landing in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates on Friday, Loraas completed the competition on Saturday morning. The half marathon takes place in the desert and the athletes have to go through a series of tough obstacles. The implementation was a positive surprise for the 18-year-old. – While I was running I thought that “in Norway the weather is cold and bad, but here I enjoy the warmth in the baris”. In that way, it wasn’t really that bad. I enjoyed myself, says Loraas. BEFORE THE START: Lucas Berg Loraas and his friends landed a few hours before the start of the competition. Here is an excited group pictured before the start. Photo: Privat But he admits that there were parts of the race that put a strain on him. – The cramps were the worst. There were so many hills up and down, as well as obstacles. If you did it wrong, you had to do burpees as punishment. When I bent my legs, the cramps came. That was the worst. I was shocked – I’ve run half marathons before and you get tired from the length, but here it was the cramps that stopped me. The legs stopped at the very end there. I have never felt that before, he says. For the record: Nicolay Ramm is employed by news Sport, but was not involved in the editorial work on this matter. Smashed Westerlin’s time Loraas surprised himself and his friends when he finished second in the class for athletes between 18 and 23 years of age with a time of 3 hours and 54 minutes. He also says that he came 23rd in the open class. But most importantly: Loraas had a goal to beat Oskar Westerlin’s time, which he managed with an incredible 45 minutes. – What were you thinking when you beat the time for Westerlin? – It was a shock. I just ran and ran – I didn’t have my own watch with me, so I asked the people I was running with how much time was left. When I reached the finish line, and asked what the time was, they said 3.54. Then I knew that Oskar had just over 4.5 hours. Then it was just “wow”, replies the 18-year-old and smiles. Presenter Nicolay Ramm also smiles when he hears about Loraas’ performance. PROGRAM MANAGER: Nicolay Ramm. Photo: Terje Bendiksby / NTB – It doesn’t surprise me that he beat Westerlin. After all, his time was great. He dragged himself through the last five kilometers at a snail’s pace. He is very strong and full of courage, but some long-distance runners are not Westerlin, says Ramm and adds: – Of course, it is easy for me to say as someone who has never participated, but I am confident that I would have beaten Westerlin at least 30 minutes. news has tried to get a comment from Westerlin, but has not yet received a reply. Oskar Westerlin and Nicolay will take part in the World Cup in desert running in Abu Dhabi – also known as “the world’s hardest half marathon”. One of them never makes it to the start. Going to participate again Ramm thinks it’s great to hear that Loraas and his friends were inspired after watching Helt Ramme play sports. – It’s incredibly fun to hear! That is half the goal of the series – to showcase incredible sports around the world, says Ramm. Loraas admits he’s been bitten by the desert running bug and has a goal to participate again. – I learned a lot about things I can do better next time. It would have been fun to go back and beat that time. I also recommend others to do so. It really is a test for both body and soul, he says. Which cross-country athlete could work for Santa Claus? 01:08 A historic career is over 01:59 — Right now it’s very heavy 00:59 The greaser had to take an ice bath after the athlete’s mega-blunder 00:46 Show more
