– It took almost four months to land the name – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– It took its time, you could say, says a smiling Therese Johaug to news. – We spent almost four months landing the name, but we landed it last week. We finally agreed and are very satisfied, she continues. The name of the almost four-month-old girl is Kristin Hoff Johaug, she reveals. – What was the core of the debate? – I guess it was a bit about who was going to get the first name and who was going to get the last name. Then father (Nils Jakob Hoff) got his wish on first name and mother on surname. So then it was Johaug in the end, she says. – We liked Kristin very much and it is a Norwegian name that she had to get when she was born on the 17th of May itself. Then Kristin was the name of the Olympic mascot during the Olympics in Lillehammer that father used a lot in the argument for the name, she says. OLYMPIC MASCOTS: Bjørn Dæhlie with Olympic mascots Kristin and Håkon after winning gold in the 10 kilometer race during the 1994 Olympics. Photo: Erik Johansen / NTB – Was my greatest wish Johaug describes the transition from life as a top athlete to mother of young children as “quite big” . – There is a life before and after, which I think many parents of young children can sign up to. – Becoming a mother was my biggest wish and bigger than any gold medal I have won. At the same time, it is tiring when you are used to prioritizing yourself to such an extent and have been a bit selfish. So you have at least become a good number two now, she says. Read what Johaug said when it became known that she was pregnant here: Opener for the WC in Trondheim: – Haven’t decided Johaug has, among other things, four Olympic golds and 14 WC golds from a very eventful career. The cross-country star retired in the winter of 2022, but with a WC in Trondheim in 2025, a comeback could be possible. – We’ll see. I haven’t quite decided yet whether there will be any more ski races or no ski races. As of now, I’m enjoying life as a mom. I have to admit that I practice a little bit. Yes I do. – How much do you exercise? – It will be a little, but it will not be like before then. It’s not that easy to put on your trainers or ski boots (and go out) when you have to look after a little girl. WC CELEBRATION: Johaug on his way to WC gold in the 30 kilometer race in Holmenkollen in 2011. In a year and a half there will be another WC on Norwegian soil. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB – But is it with the idea that it might become something? – Yes, it is. I haven’t scrapped the WC in Trondheim completely, but as of now my focus is not there. My focus is on everyday life here and now and on being a good mum. – What is it that weighs back and forth and that will eventually decide it? – I won’t line up at the Trondheim WC if I can’t be there and fight for medals. And then I will know that I am there, she says. Central to new project On Tuesday, Johaug was also able to say that she will have a central role in an initiative that will help women in cross-country skiing. In collaboration with Team Eksjöhus and Team Aker Dæhlie, they will try to reach both the top and the breadth through lectures, joint training sessions and coaching seminars. – We want to get some girls’ gatherings where there will be seminars where we can share some of the knowledge we have inside. I also really want to get more women into the coaching role as well. You can see that there are very few women who are coaches out there and I believe that the women have as much to offer as the men, says Johaug. – Since I quit, I have realized that my soul lies in sport, and especially cross-country skiing. I now feel that I am in a position where I can get more women into the sport and continue for longer. In addition to Johaug, Marthe Kristoffersen, Guro Strøm Solli, Kari Vikhagen Gjeitnes and Maria Rydqvist will also be part of the project. WILL WORK TOGETHER: Marthe Kristoffersen and Therese Johaug were teammates for several years. Now they will work together on a new project. Photo: Kyrre Lien / NTB – I feel that girls can talk to girls in a completely different way than to boys, says Johaug, and continues: – We want to contribute with our experiences so that they can avoid the mistakes that we have made in different ways and come up with the success factors that we have succeeded with that others can benefit from.
