It is not appropriate to travel down to Malaysia as the situation is now – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

– He is still recovering, and we are following the situation closely, says Crown Prince Haakon to the press at Finse this afternoon. He also states that work is being done to find a solution for transport home for the king. The Crown Prince couple visit the Red Cross in Finse and have, among other things, tried their hand at rescue operations. Photo: Cornelius Poppe / NTB King Harald fell ill earlier this week during a holiday in Malaysia, and was admitted to the Sultanah Maliha hospital in Langkawi. According to the royal family, King Harald was hospitalized due to an infection, and is receiving good follow-up from both Malaysian and Norwegian medical personnel. Yesterday there was an update from the king’s physician that the king was better. Then the message was that the king would remain in the hospital for a few more days, and that no decision had been made to return home. Contact with the crown prince When the crown prince couple were in Finse on Wednesday to visit a Red Cross course in rescue management, Crown Prince Haakon said that King Harald was in good spirits. – It seemed as if the form was a little better. The king was in good spirits, so it was nice, said the crown prince. – It was nice to talk a little, we have of course kept in touch these days. The Crown Prince also said that King Harald needs peace and rest for a few days. Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre said on Wednesday that he hopes the king recovers and can return home as soon as possible. King Harald is on a private holiday in Malaysia with Queen Sonja.
