It is illegal to fly a drone here – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

For those planning to holiday in the country, exploring new areas with the drone can seem tempting. With beautiful natural landscapes and unique wildlife, drone photography is an attractive activity. But then there are several things you should think about, says the National Security Authority (NSM). There are several rules to comply with. Many people don’t know the rules – We urge you to familiarize yourself with the regulations before setting out on a trip. Because this can actually lead to criminal liability, says Roar Thon, subject director at NSM. There are many who do not know the rules, he says. Roar Thon says that the rules exist, among other things, to secure people’s private lives. Photo: Snorre Tønset / news Map of nature conservation areas in Norway that may have restrictions against drone flights. Svalbard is not shown in the picture. Photo: Screenshot from the Norwegian Environment Agency An overview of where it is permitted to fly and where not, can be found at UAS, the Norwegian Environment Agency and Avinor. Positive to strict regulations The main rule is that drones are prohibited in most national parks and large protected landscape areas. This is for the sake of wildlife, outdoor life and to avoid disturbances, according to the Norwegian Environment Agency. Photographer Terje Kolaas uses a drone for nature photography. In 2021, he won the top prizes in both the “Drone Photo Awards” and “Nature Photographer of the Year”. He points out that photographing animals in nature requires careful assessment and respect for the animals’ needs. – The tolerance of birds and animals varies from species to species, place, individual and time of year. Many species or individuals do not care about the drone at all, while others allow themselves to be intimidated or provoked from a long distance, says Kolaas to news. The winning picture of short-billed geese migrating south, from Kolaas’ neighborhood in Levanger. The birds’ tolerance of people made it possible to get close without problems, Kolaas says. Photo: Terje Kolaas – Can be a bit sour now and then In particularly vulnerable areas, such as conservation areas, bird conservation areas, nature reserves and national parks, Kolaas thinks that drones should be banned. – I am positive about strict regulations for drone flying, and find the Norwegian regulations reasonable, says Kolaas. Missing out on a dream photo due to a flight ban is worth it, he believes. – It can be a little sour here and there, but after all, it’s a small price to pay for birds and animals to have a few sanctuaries in this increasingly developed country. The well-being of the birds always comes first, says Kolaas. Terje Kolaas from Levanger in Trøndelag has been a nature photographer since he was 13 years old. Photo: Terje Kolaas Illegal in most national parks Previously, among others, Lofotodden National Park reported three cases of illegal drone photography. The Lofoten National Park is one of those places where you cannot fly a drone. This is the view from the mountain Ryten, in the northern part of the area of ​​Lofotodden National Park. Photo: Jon Olav Larsen You will be greeted by this no-drone flight sign at the entrance to Lofotodden National Park in Bunes. Photo: Benjamin Fredriksen / news The map shows that drone flights are prohibited in Lofotodden National Park in Lofoten. Photo: Screenshot from the Norwegian Environment Agency Common hiking areas such as Hardangervidda, Dovrefjell-Sunndalsfjella and Jotunheimen are national parks that have protected areas for drone flights. – In addition, it is important that you always take other people’s privacy into account when you fly, writes the Norwegian Data Protection Authority on its website. View from Besseggen in Jotunheimen National Park. Photo: Keilen / SCANPIX Can be punished In the center of Oslo there is also a total ban on flying drones. This applies, among other things, around the Palace, the Storting and the Government Quarter. Illegal drone flying can lead to fines of up to NOK 12,000 and confiscation of the drone, according to the police. Anders Martinsen, head of the Norwegian drone association UAS, says that you must register with the Norwegian Aviation Authority if you are going to fly a drone. In addition, you must state where you are going to fly on Avinor’s website. Anders Martinsen is head of UAS Norway. It is the drone pilots’ interest organization. Photo: Kjetil Samuelsen / news
