– It is frightening – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

– Along with the fact that interest in TikTok has increased among young people in recent years, we also see that there are more and more people who have posted frightening clips of how they use electric scooters that can be a danger to themselves and others, says project and campaign officer in Young in traffic, Liv Marie Bendheim. Young in traffic works to promote good attitudes in traffic. They work with measures both in school and on social media to spread good traffic knowledge. – Must be allowed to change one’s mind In social media, the organization now sees that there are many people riding electric scooters with two or three people, at very high speeds or with creative solutions such as a sofa or armchair. She is afraid that sharing on social media will contribute to extra pressure, even if something seems dangerous. Project and campaign manager at Ung i trafiken, Liv Marie Bendheim is afraid that the trend of riding electric scooters with furniture could become dangerous. Photo: Privat – It is clear that social pressure is something we know that young people in particular tend to be influenced by than adults. In this situation, one person says they have to stop, but then the other says “No, go on, go on”. So in this situation here, it looks as if social pressure has had an impact on them continuing for a longer period, says Bendheim. And adds: – It must be allowed to change one’s mind, one should change one’s mind and say “you know what, I don’t think this is right”. Then it is important that you listen to your mate and see that it is getting too stupid. You may have some ideas that you think will be cool, but then you are in the situation and know that it is dangerous. Then you have to give up, she says and points to the video at the top of the case. Encouraged on social media During videos where people have put sofas and armchairs on electric scooters, many people comment that it looks cool and that they must also test it with a friend. Bredheim thinks it’s so scary. – We think it’s frightening that people in the comment section say that they also have to try, and they also tag a friend and write that we have to do it this weekend. That’s scary because it means this could have ripple effects. She herself has experienced exactly that. – After I saw these videos, I have seen several people in my local environment sitting on cafe chairs and driving out into the road. Asking parents to follow along She also believes that young people do not necessarily learn rules, but that parents should take responsibility. – We believe that parents should take greater responsibility to know what their children are up to, encourage the use of helmets and to comply with traffic rules. It is something parents must teach. The children are under 15 and cannot be punished for it, but the parents can be fined or called in to the police. She points out that there have been many ugly accidents with electric scooters and reminds that there is a reason for the rules. It is important to have strict rules. If you know someone who has received a fine, you might want to think through what you are doing yourself. But the most important thing to think through is whether what you are doing yourself is dangerous, says Bredheim. The project manager emphasizes that Young people in traffic are not against electric scooters, as long as they are used sensibly. Electric scooters are a fantastic means of getting around, which we encourage the use of. But we are concerned about dangerous driving.
