Issuing a danger warning – wind gusts of up to 27 meters per second – news Nordland

On Tuesday, the meteorologists sent out a danger warning at orange level about the risk of floods, landslides and heavy rainfall in Helgeland and southern Salten. Today, the meteorologists sent out another danger warning – this time for strong winds. The strongest winds will be on Thursday in Ofoten, parts of Troms and the coast of Vest-Finnmark, where a yellow danger warning has been sent for gusts. There will be a strong south-westerly gale and wind gusts of 25–27 meters per second. The wind is expected to be at its strongest in the afternoon before abating on Thursday evening. Autumn storm? – Is it the first autumn storm of the year that is coming? – There may be sometimes strong gusts of wind. But I probably wouldn’t call it an autumn storm. It is quite a strong low pressure for August, says on-duty meteorologist Ola Bakke Aashamar at the Weather Forecast for Northern Norway. On Thursday, there will be a strong gale from the southwest and gusts of 25–27 meters per second in Ofoten and Sør-Troms. Photo: Many are still on holiday when the danger warning comes, and may have trampolines and garden furniture left outside. The meteorologist therefore advises people to be observant. – We probably wouldn’t have sent out the warning about this in the winter. But we have a different season, which means that the consequences can be slightly different than in winter. There are still boats lying on the fjord and there are still leaves on the trees. – Then the gusts can take a bit better. That is why we have chosen to issue a warning, says Aashamar. Could be a rainfall record Further south in the county, more than 100 millimeters of rain has fallen in Helgeland. Here, the express boat traffic has canceled several routes due to bad weather. In addition, there is a landslide and flood warning from NVE. Heavy rain in Lødingen on Wednesday. Photo: Børre M Albrigtsen A further 20-40 millimeters is still expected during the evening in the areas where it gets the most. The large amounts of rainfall are bad news for the four-day Arctic Race, which attracts world-class cyclists from all over the world. In Bodø, the Nordland music festival takes place. Here, all outdoor events have been moved indoors. Nowhere has as much rainfall been measured today as at the measuring station at Vassvatnet in Aldersundet in Lurøy. Sølvi Presteng’s lawn at Austbø in Alstahaug was flooded on Wednesday. Photo: Sølvi Presteng – In the last 12 hours, 109.3 millimeters of precipitation has been measured here. That corresponds to about 10 centimeters of water on all surfaces on the ground if everything had come at once, says Aashamar. The August record of 169 millimeters in 1983 will probably take something to beat, according to the meteorologist. – But we are probably talking about a top 10 August event, he believes. The wet stormy weather is caused by a high pressure over Denmark hitting a strong low pressure up at Jan Mayen. – It pushes up warm and moist air from the south-west in the Atlantic. When it gets pulled up and hits the coast of Nordland, it causes a lot of precipitation, says on-duty meteorologist Ola Bakke Aashamar at the Weather Forecast for Northern Norway. Moving towards “extreme” warming in the Arctic
