Israel’s defense says they have stormed Hamas headquarters – Latest news – news

31 December 2023 at 04:38 Israel’s Defense Forces say they have stormed Hamas headquarters The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) state that its forces have stormed the Hamas headquarters in Khan Younis in the south of the Gaza Strip. – During the ground operation in Khan Younis, IDF forces today targeted the Hamas headquarters in the center of the city, including the organization’s intelligence command center, said a statement from IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari. The news agency DPA could not verify the information on Sunday night. Israel suspects that Hamas leader Yehya al-Sinwar is now hiding in tunnels under Khan Younis. The Hamas headquarters has been one of the targets of the ground offensive in the Gaza Strip. The IDF states that the forces are also in the process of taking control of the northern part of the Gaza Strip, where the offensive began. – In the north of the Gaza Strip, we are focusing our efforts in the Darj Tufah area, Hamas’s last stronghold of importance in the northern Gaza Strip, says Hagari. He also states that on Saturday the IDF carried out a major attack against Hezbollah targets in Lebanon, near the border with Israel. (NTB)
