Israelis are looking for missing family members – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The Jerusalem Post writes that 750 people are missing. According to the newspaper, an unofficial overview shows this. Israeli authorities do not provide any figures. They confirm that Hamas has taken both civilians and military hostages. These must have been taken across the border to Gaza. One of the hostages is the 25-year-old woman Noa Argamani. In a video spread widely on social media, she sits on the back of a motorcycle. Around her are militia from Hamas. – Don’t kill me, no, no, she screams. On the other side of the road, a young man with his hands tied behind his back is led away. It will be Noa’s boyfriend, Avi Nathan. Avi’s brother, Moshe Or, tells Israeli broadcaster Kanal 12 that he recognized them in the video. – I saw Noa on the video. She was terrified. I can’t imagine what was going through her mind right then. Screaming in panic on the back of a motorbike, Or tells Kanal 12. In another video, which is supposed to show the young woman, she is given water by Hamas. This video must have been recorded in Gaza. Exchange for prisoners The deputy commander of Hamas, Saleh al-Arouri, tells Al Jazeera that they are holding a large number of Israelis as prisoners. Among them there must be a civilian and military leaders, claims Hamas. Hamas reportedly placed them in various locations in Gaza. Saleh al-Arouri says that the Israeli hostages should be exchanged for Palestinians held in Israeli prisons. – We have enough to free everyone who is in Israeli prisons, says al-Arouri to Al Jazeera. Hamas has experience with this. In 2006, they captured the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. After five years, he was released as part of an agreement that led to the freedom of over a thousand Palestinians. Israeli woman is taken hostage by Hamas. Rave party attack A number of the missing are said to have been participants in a dance party near the border with Gaza. The formality of the party was to dance through the night and into the next morning. In a video from the party recorded on Saturday morning, there are many young people who appear to be enjoying themselves. In the sky behind the dancing, some black spots begin to appear in the sky. It turns out to be Hamas militia who have crossed the border with motorized paragliders. Shani Louk captured Among the participants at the party was the German citizen Shani Louk, writes Bild. She and the others are said to have started to flee away from the festival site when motorbikes with Hamas militia appeared. Haaretz writes that the bikers started shooting at the refugees. In a video spread on social media, Shani Louk is lying in the back of a car. The video was recorded inside Gaza. She is almost completely undressed. Shani is recognized by the family because of a special tattoo. It is uncertain whether she is still alive. In the video, one of her legs is clearly broken and she does not move.
