Israeli soldiers attach an injured Palestinian to the bonnet – the IDF will investigate the incident – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The video has been shared on social media and has been verified by the Reuters news agency. The injured Palestinian is Mujahed Azmi, who lives in Jenin. The incident happened during a military operation in the city on the occupied Vestbreidda on Saturday. Azmi’s family says it was an operation to arrest people and that he was injured when he tried to run from Israeli soldiers. When they asked for an ambulance, they slammed him on the bonnet and drove off, the family say. – Fifteen minutes later, two jeeps arrived. They came in here, asked us to turn around and not look. Then they placed him on the hood and took him, says a 13-year-old family member who was an eyewitness, according to Reuters. IDF: Will investigate the incident The Israeli army (IDF) says that their people were shot at and that they responded to this. Furthermore, they say that one person was injured and arrested. – The soldiers then broke with military procedure. They took the suspect with them, strapped him onto a vehicle, they further state. The IDF says they will investigate the incident. Israeli forces during a military operation in Qabatiya, near Jenin. Photo: Raneen Sawafta / Reuters – The behavior of the soldiers in the video from the incident is not in line with the values ​​of the Israeli military. The Israeli army further says that Azmi has been taken to hospital where he is receiving treatment. The video has caused reactions. – Human shields – Human shields in practice. That’s what Francesca Albanese, who is the UN’s special operator for the Palestinian territories, writes on X. She reacts strongly to the video. – It is frightening to see how a city that was born 76 years ago has managed to turn international laws on their head, she writes further about Israel. The UN special operator for the Palestinian territories, Francesca Albanese, reacts to the video. Photo: Amr Abdallah Dalsh / Reuters There are several rules in war to protect civilians. The term human shield refers to when civilians are used as human shields for military objects, which is illegal. The Palestinian Red Crescent claims that the Israeli soldiers initially refused to give first aid to the man. – Then they placed the injured man in the driver’s seat of a military jeep and arrested him before later allowing our crew to transfer him to a hospital, they wrote on the X. The situation worsens The situation on the West Bank is getting drastically worse, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk has warned. Israel regularly carries out operations against suspected military groups, and several violent attacks against Palestinians by Jewish settlers have been reported. 21-year-old Qais Muhammad Zakarneh was killed in an Israeli military operation in Qabatiyeh, near Jenin, on 14 June. Photo: ZAIN JAAFAR / AFP Since October, over 500 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces or by settlers. Over 100 of them are children, according to Türk. He is concerned that several people have been killed in violation of international law. – The situation in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, is getting drastically worse, Türk said a few days ago. Published 23.06.2024, at 08.21 Updated 23.06.2024, at 08.33
