Israeli journalist wants an end to the bombing of Gaza – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

In an article in the Israeli newspaper Hareetz, Levy writes that the political discussion in Israel as a result of Hamas’ terrorist attacks on October 7 has made it difficult to show empathy with innocent Palestinians. Now he advocates that the bombing of Gaza must stop. – The bombing leads nowhere. Killing children and civilians who have nothing to do with Hamas does not make Israel any safer, he says to news. Killing children and civilians who have nothing to do with Hamas does not make Israel any safer, says Levy to news. Photo: Eirik Pessl-Kleiven / news – It seems that the Israeli defense is out for revenge. Nothing less. And that will only create more and more generations of Palestinians who hate Israel, says the journalist. It is something US President Joe Biden has warned Israel not to do, based on the Americans’ own response to September 11, 2001. – I want to warn you who feel that rage, not to be consumed by it. After September 11, we were furious in the United States, said the US president. While we tried to get justice, we also made mistakes, the US president said last week when he visited Israel. IDF: Only military targets news has been in contact with the Israeli defense IDF for a comment on Levy’s statements. In an email, the IDF’s communications department writes that they only go after specific, military targets. – Claims to the contrary are abhorrent and spread disinformation that puts civilians at risk, writes the spokesperson to news. Furthermore, the IDF writes that it has responded to the attack on 7 October with powerful measures to weaken Hamas’s military and administrative capacity. – Unlike Hamas, the IDF seeks to reduce and minimize the loss of civilian life and goes to great lengths to warn civilians before airstrikes, where operationally possible, in accordance with international law of armed conflict. US President Joe Biden met Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last week in Israel. Photo: EVELYN HOCKSTEIN / Reuters – Disappointed Although Levy warns the same as the American president, the Israeli journalist is disappointed with the United States and the European countries. He believes the US can stop the Israeli bombing of Gaza with just a phone call. – The US can stop this if they wish. This also applies to the European countries. – What do you think stands in the way of this? – Countries in Europe feel guilty about the Holocaust. It may have an impact on their policy towards Israel. This means that Israel has more room for maneuver than it should have when it comes to the Palestinians. – The US can stop this, if they wish, says Levy. Photo: Sidsel Wold / news Fears radicalization on both sides – Israel will only become more and more right-wing, racist and Arab-hating in the coming years, there is no doubt about that, says the free-speaking journalist about the consequences of the attacks. He now fears that extremists on both sides will use the conflict to strengthen their position in their various societies. – Gaza will also become more Islamized and radicalized. All parties will come out of this conflict more extreme. Gideon Levy believes that Israel’s bombing of Gaza will only lead to several generations of Palestinians harboring hatred for Israel. Photo: Shadi Tabatibi / Reuters Believes that the space for expression in Israel has been restricted Levy believes that there is a process taking place on the left in Israel, where they agree to a greater extent with the extreme right on how to resolve the situation between Israelis and Palestinians. He also believes that it has become more difficult to show understanding for the Palestinians’ situation. – I do not justify what happened on 7 October. but do you think palestinians will love israelis for putting them in captivity? How did Israel think Palestinians would thank them, Levi asks.
