Israeli forces storm hospital in Khan Younis – Latest news – news

15 February 2024 at 10:39 Israeli forces storm hospital in Khan Younis Israeli forces are now in the process of storming the Nasser hospital in the city of Khan Younis in the south of Gaza, after many have been evacuated from there, according to the Gaza Ministry of Health. Israel confirms the attack. – Special forces are now operating at the Nasser hospital, the Israeli military says. The hospital has largely been cut off from the outside world in recent weeks. Thousands of refugees came to the hospital to escape Israeli forces, but Israel recently opened a corridor through which they could escape. On Thursday morning, Israeli forces fired into the hospital, and a patient is said to have been killed, according to doctors at the hospital. Pictures on social media show, among other things, people blocking doors from inside the hospital to prevent Israeli forces from entering the hospital.
