Israel uses white phosphorus in the bombing of Gaza – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The human rights organization accuses Israel of using white phosphorus in its military operations in Gaza and Lebanon. The organization says the use of such weapons can expose civilians to serious and long-term injuries. The use of white phosphorus in Gaza, which is also one of the most densely populated areas in the world, increases the risk to civilians. It also violates international law, writes Human Rights Watch in a press release. “Whenever white phosphorus is used in crowded civilian areas, it poses a high risk of excruciating burns and lifelong suffering,” says Lama Fakih, Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch. They have also interviewed two people who describe the attack on Gaza. Their descriptions are consistent with the use of phosphorus bombs, according to HRW. Must have verified videos White phosphorus burns through buildings, and those who are hit suffer terrible burns. Phosphorus bombs are a controversial weapon. In 1980, the Weapons Convention prohibited the use of such firearms against civilians. However, Human Rights Watch claims it has received verified videos from Lebanon on October 10 and Gaza on October 11. The videos are said to show artillery fired white phosphorus over Gaza City’s port and two locations along the border between Israel and Lebanon. The Washington Post also writes that they have verified videos showing white phosphorus over Gaza. According to Reuters, representatives from Israel’s military forces say that they are not aware that weapons containing white phosphorus have been used in Gaza. Number of dead and wounded After Hamas attacked Israeli civilian targets on Saturday morning, Hamas and Israel have attacked each other. On Friday morning, these are the updated numbers on both sides: Israel: At least 1300 killed At least 3200 wounded In addition, at least 100 Israelis have been taken hostage by Hamas. Gaza Strip: At least 1,537 killedAt least 6,612 wounded The occupied West Bank: At least 31 killedAt least 600 wounded Ordered evacuation On the night of Friday, the UN was informed that Israel is ordering the evacuation of civilian Palestinians living north of the Wadi on the Gaza Strip. The evacuation order applies to 1.1 million Palestinian civilians. “This evacuation is for your own safety,” the Israeli army said on Friday, adding that Hamas is using civilians as human shields. Israel has imposed a full blockade of the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip after Hamas attacked Israel on Saturday. A ground invasion is expected in the near future. Destruction in Gaza City:
