Israel sends tanks into the Gaza Strip – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Last night, the Israeli Defense Force sent tanks into northern Gaza. According to Reuters, both Israeli air strikes and shots from tanks were heard throughout the night. At the same time, Hamas-controlled health authorities in the Gaza Strip report that over 7,000 people have been killed since the war broke out. No place on the Gaza Strip is safe anymore after massive bombing from Israel. The UN reports this Thursday morning. On X, the Israeli army writes that last night’s attack was made to clear the way for a ground invasion. The Israeli defense describes the operation as preparations for an expected ground invasion. Photo: Screenshot / The Israeli Defense Forces – It may be to show muscles, but I don’t think that is the main goal. I think it is to prepare for a major ground operation. That’s what Trygve Johannes Smidt, researcher at Krigsskulen, says. – At the present time, I would think that it is more likely that they will carry out the ground invasion than that they will not, says Smidt. Smidt believes the attack is about destroying rocket positions, placing surveillance equipment and testing Hamas’s defenses. Trygve Johannes Smidt, lieutenant colonel and researcher at the War College, believes that a ground invasion is more likely after the attack last night. Photo: Defense Forces Førebur ground invasion For a long time, Israel has announced that they will carry out a major ground invasion. Just a couple of hours before the attack, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu repeated that they were still planning a ground invasion. Why is it important for Israel to express that the ground invasion is coming soon? – It is to put pressure on Hamas so that they don’t think they want to cancel it. Then Hamas will feel safer and have less incentive to go to the negotiating table, says Smidt. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke yesterday and called on Palestinians in Gaza to move south, and Israelis to take up arms. Photo: Reuters The biggest attack The Israeli forces are said to have withdrawn soon after the attack, reports Reuters. So far, Israel has carried out several raids on the Gaza Strip, but according to Israel’s defense this is the biggest attack to date. The IDF wrote on X that the goal was to attack Hamas’s positions, destroy infrastructure and armored personnel carriers to prepare for a ground invasion. Satellite images show the destruction in Al-Karama in Gaza.MAXAR TECHNOLOGIES Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide told news yesterday that he believes both discussions in Israel and pressure from the international community can explain why Israel is waiting for the invasion. UN: – No place is safe The UN coordinator for humanitarian affairs in Gaza says there are no places on the Gaza Strip that are safe. In addition, there is a critical shortage of water, food, electricity and fuel in Gaza. At the latest yesterday, the UN organization for Palestinian refugees wrote on X that they must stop work in Gaza if they are not supplied with fuel. The fuel is needed to produce electricity for hospitals, but Israel fears that the fuel will end up in the hands of Hamas. At least 1,400 Israelis have been killed so far, and over 200 hostages have been taken by Hamas. Hamas-controlled health authorities say that at least 6,500 Palestinians have been killed, and over 17,000 are said to be injured.
