Israel postpones Gaza invasion – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The postponement is said to have occurred at the request of the United States, which is working to put an extensive missile defense in place in the area. This is reported by the American financial newspaper, which quotes unnamed Israeli and American sources. Israel also includes in the assessment the work to get humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip. In addition, the diplomatic attempts to obtain the release of several of the hostages held by Hamas in Gaza are mentioned, the newspaper’s sources state. On Monday, two elderly Israeli women were released after they were abducted by Hamas to Gaza during the October 7 terrorist attack, and last week two American hostages were freed. Over 200 hostages are still being held captive by Hamas. US forces are deployed in Iraq, Syria, Kuwait, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. A dozen air defense systems are on their way to the area, and the first can probably be operational during the week. However, American authorities are concerned about the safety of their own soldiers. They believe American forces will be attacked by militant groups when the announced ground attack against Gaza begins, writes the Reuters news agency. Thousands of buildings in Gaza are in ruins after the Israeli bombings. Photo: AP Warns against ground invasion Egypt, together with Qatar, has played a central role in securing the release of hostages and in the negotiations to open the border crossing between Egypt and Gaza in order to bring in supplies. In recent days, several trucks have driven into Gaza with medicines, food and drinking water. But according to aid organisations, it is only a drop in the ocean. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi warns of huge civilian casualties if Israel invades Gaza. Sisi calls for steps to be taken to avoid such an invasion on the ground. He points out that roughly 6,000 civilians have already been killed in the fighting between Israel and Hamas in Gaza in recent weeks. Over 2,000 of the victims are children. Incubator babies in Gaza could die if the power goes out The president asked at a joint press conference with French President Emmanuel Macron that the parties take steps to avoid such an invasion. During the press conference, Macron added that humanitarian aid must enter Gaza without obstacles, especially fuel for hospitals. In Israel, over 1,400 people have been killed since Hamas attacked the country on October 7, most of them civilians. The Ministry of Health in Gaza on Wednesday updated its death toll to more than 6,500 people, about 40 percent of them minors.
