Israel is sending more soldiers into Gaza – The line is now far crossed, says Støre – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Støre is clear, he does not support Hamas in any way. – Today is three weeks since the cruel attack that happened against civilians in Israel, we have condemned that, says the prime minister to news’s ​​Helgemorgen. But now he believes that the backlash is tipping over in the wrong direction. – What we are seeing now is warfare that is cruel. I am afraid that the seeds are now being laid for more hatred, more intransigence, enormous material destruction, says Støre. Støre recognizes Israel’s right to defend itself, but it is the way they do it that is important. – They have the right to self-defence, and I recognize that defending oneself against warfare from such a densely populated area as Gaza is very demanding. Rockets are still coming from Gaza towards Israel, we condemn that, says Støre, and emphasizes: – International law says that it must be proportionate, and civilians must be taken into account. That line has now been far surpassed. Demands ceasefire and hostage release Støre demands that the hostilities must be stopped. He is outraged to see “the brutal warfare that affects civilians, especially children, in an excessive and unacceptable way”. – We demand that there must be a pause in the warfare so that help can come in and people can come out, says Støre. At the same time, there is also no doubt that the more than 200 Israeli hostages in Hamas’ captivity must be released. – We are conveying to Israel and also to Hamas that we unreservedly support the demand that the hostages be released, says Støre.
