Islamists confirm ceasefire – Latest news – news

7 August 2022 at 20:15 AFP: Islamists confirm ceasefire The Palestinian group Islamic Holy War (Jihad) is said to have confirmed in a statement that there will be a ceasefire with Israel, reports the AFP news agency. Israel and the Islamic Holy War group have negotiated a truce on Sunday evening at the suggestion of the authorities in Egypt, sources told the Reuters news agency. Egypt has proposed a ceasefire from 22:30 (Norwegian time). – The wording of the Egyptian ceasefire agreement was finalized a short time ago. The agreement includes an Egyptian commitment to work for the release of two prisoners, Bassem al-Saadi and Khalil Awadweh, senior Islamic Holy War member Mohammad al-Hindi said in a statement. On Sunday, there were several fights with several people killed. The total death toll should now be 41, according to Palestinian health authorities. Anja Riiser of Norwegian People’s Aid tells news that the time leading up to the ceasefire is going to be difficult. – Israel has intensified the bombing against Gaza and PIJ is doing the same, says Riiser.
