Isalill Kolpus takes over from Pernille Sørensen in “Nytt på Nytt” – news Culture and entertainment

– It is a completely absurd decision on their part. It’s really sick and big, says Isalill Kolpus humbly about the job she has been given. Norwegian-Sámi Isalill Kolpus is known, among other things, from the stand-up scene. Her last performance was “Oja, du er nysame?” She is also not completely unknown to “Nytt på Nytt” fans. Kolpus has worked as a copywriter, in addition to being both a guest and substitute in the programme. – When I was a guest I said “now I’m peaking”. It was the greatest moment of my career. I thought the same when I was a substitute. – The fact that I have now got the job on the panel feels completely unreal, she says. Isalill Kolpus in front of the “Nytt på Nytt” logo. Photo: Kjetil Solhøi / news Impossible task It was at the end of March that it became known that Pernille Sørensen was going to quit “Nytt på Nytt” after seven years in the chair as a panelist. The heiress thinks it’s great to follow in the footsteps of such a beloved comedian, even if she dreads being compared to her predecessor. – Pernille is loved by an entire population, myself included. It is therefore a completely impossible task to replace him. – I can’t think about it. Just have to pretend that Pernille never existed, says Kolpus and laughs wildly. Isalill Kolpus is happy to joke with Norwegian social life from the autumn. Photo: Kjetil Solhøi / news Same, Finnmarking and women Finnmarkingen is nevertheless determined to fill the shoes in her own way, and she is looking forward to finding out who she is in the panel chair. – I don’t know what my style will be. I’ll probably spend some time figuring it out, adds Kolpus. – What do you see as your strengths as a comedian? – I have a unique perspective as a Sami, Finnmarking and woman. There are not that many ladies in humor-Norway, and even fewer samars. I think having a different perspective than Johan or Bård is an advantage. – And then I’m really funny, Kolpus adds and grins. Isalill Kolpus when she guested on “Nytt på Nytt” earlier this spring. Photo: news This is also underlined by Kjetil Kooyman, who is the project manager of “Nytt på Nytt”. – The reason we chose Isalill is because she is funny, smart and actively involved in the community around her. – We are really looking forward to starting the autumn with her on the team. It will be exciting and fun to get her energy into the mix with Bård & Johan, he adds. Playing each other well As a stand-up comedian, she is used to being independent and being alone on stage. She therefore looks forward to being able to be together with several comedians, and to be part of a team that wants to convey humor at the highest level. – The funnest thing is to listen to others, and play each other well. I think the good interaction is part of the success factor for “Nytt på Nytt”, says Kolpus. Photo: Kjetil Solhøi / news Program director Bård Tufte Johansen said that he had two requirements for the new one: – That she was funny, and that there was one with fish dishes in a Sami area. – Humor-Norway has the same low level of education as Finnmark, so getting someone with a high education FROM Finnmark feels like a lottery win, he adds. While Johan Golden throws in that Isalill was chosen because she is the one who reminds them most of themselves. – Like children play best, he says. From teacher to comedian When it comes to the field, she feels extra confident in messing with her subjects, Sami issues, education and school policy. Because what many may not know is that Kolpus is a qualified lecturer, and has worked for several years as a teacher. But three years ago she decided to follow her dream of becoming a stand-up comedian. – How satisfied are you with that choice now? – Extremely pleased! I started with standup in 2020, so thanks to 2020-Isalill, for what the hell happened? We are here. It’s absolutely insane, she concludes.
