Is it okay to wear shorts to work in the summer heat? The experts answer – news Trøndelag

The days at the office are long when the thermometer creeps up to 30 degrees. The suit jacket is suffocating, the denim trousers are tight and clammy, and the toes are screaming for air. Then it can be tempting to dress a little lighter, but is it okay to find shorts and sandals? Opinions are divided on that. Illustration photo. Someone would like to dress a bit summery when summer comes. But what is okay and not to wear to work? Photo: Elina Rydland Ørnhaug / news Sending out an e-mail Earlier this summer, Endre Skjervø, municipal director in Frosta municipality, sent out an e-mail to all employees in the municipality. “Shorts, sandals and the like, singlet and Hawaiian shirt are great clothes for holidays and leisure, so leave these clothes in the closet when you go to work,” he wrote in the e-mail. – In such a way that not dressing becomes what disrupts the message we are trying to tell and show the residents, that you should be able to trust Frosta municipality, he says to news. But he believes it must be possible to make exceptions. – On what is now likely to be the hottest day of the year, it is quite obvious that you have to wear light summer clothes at work, he says. Then he thinks that both shorts and sandals are fine, but in general he thinks it is important that the employees think about what they wear to work. He himself is wearing a shirt and trousers. When municipal director Skjervø (on the left) was supposed to have a meeting with the leadership group in Frosta municipality after he sent the e-mail, everyone had put on light summer clothes to play with him. Photo: Privat – Dress according to your role Helene Trondstad Moe is an associate professor at the Department of Management and Organization at the University of Kristiania. She says that people think differently when they dress for work and leisure. – It so happens that the choice of clothes is often, in Norway, seen as part of the individualistic project. Through how we dress, we should somehow show who we are as a person. – At the same time, we know that work clothes are inextricably linked to our values. It has to do with authority, trust, respect, showing status and also marking distance, she says. Is it okay to wear shorts at work? Sure 🩳😎☀️ No, it’s nonsense 😤 It depends on what kind of job you have 👷‍♀️👨‍⚕️💼 Show result TV 2’s fashion expert Marianne Jemtegård says it’s important to dress for your role. She believes that what is appropriate work attire depends on the situation, who you are and who you will meet during the working day. – If you are going to a funeral and the priest turns up in shorts and slippers, many will probably think that it is a lack of respect, she says. – Dress for the role you take on when you’re at work, not just who you are in private. Marianne Jemtegård is a fashion expert on TV 2. Photo: Fraxx forlag Tronstad Moe agrees with that. – If you work as a gym teacher or out in a kindergarten, shorts are of course fine. – But if you work as a principal or in public administration where you constantly have users visiting and must show professionalism, then it is fine to follow the dress code of the workplace where you are employed, she says. Helene Tronstad Moe Associate Professor at the Department of Management and Organization at Kristiania University. Photo: Jonatan A. Quintero / Høyskolen Kristiania The boss is the boss Hans Gjermund Gauslaa is a legal adviser at the HR company Simployer. He says it is the employer who has the right to control the employment relationship. This means that the boss can decide what you will do at work and what type of clothing you can wear. – Some employers decide that the employees must have a slightly formal dress style, which for example can mean that it is not okay to wear shorts at work , he tells. Illustration photo. There are divided opinions in the debate about shorts at work. Some think colorful, light clothing should be allowed. Others think it is frivolous. Photo: Elina Rydland Ørnhaug / news But all conclusions the boss takes by virtue of the right to manage, must have a factual basis. – If the employer believes that the employees should present themselves in a certain way towards customers or users, and therefore wants it to be a formal style of clothing, then there will be a factual reason to say that “Shorts are not acceptable with us”, explains Gauslaa. Employers cannot require employees to wear special clothing on days they have a home office. There is no factual reason. Hans Gjermund Gauslaa is a legal adviser at the HR company Simployer. Photo: Simployer On very hot days, the boss should consider relaxing the dress code, says Gauslaa. – But this is something employees may have to take up with their employer. Because it is the employer who has the right to manage, it is not up to the employee to decide this.
