Iran planned to assassinate Donald Trump – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

On Tuesday, CNN writes that the US authorities have received information about a planned assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump. According to the channel, the information came from a single person. CNN has spoken to several sources who are familiar with the matter. The intelligence has meant that security around the president has been tightened in recent weeks, writes CNN. Iran denies the plans, and calls the accusations unfounded and malicious, writes Reuters. They say in the same statement that they believe Trump is a criminal and that he should be brought to justice. According to CNN, the case referred to is the murder of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani, ordered by Trump in 2020. Iran also emphasizes that it will go to court to have him convicted. The US Department of Defense called the assassination an “act of defence”. Not linked to shooting Just two days ago, Trump was shot in the ear during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania. It is not suspected that the shooting has any connection to the possible assassination, according to the sources CNN has been in contact with. At the same time, this leads to more questions about how the shooting at Trump could happen in the first place. CNN has questioned the FBI, the US Department of Homeland Security and the Iranian UN delegation to the US about the plans. They did not want to comment on the information. Donald Trump at the campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Sunday, before he was shot. Photo: Evan Vucci / AP It is not known whether Trump and his security team were made aware of the details of the intelligence, the channel writes. According to CNN, the Secret Service has warned Trump against organizing election campaign meetings outdoors, which carry greater risks than meetings held indoors. Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is said to have also been a possible target for the assassination plans. Former head of intelligence: – Ideal candidate for Iran – It is incredibly difficult to answer how secure this information is, says Ola Kaldager. He is an officer and former head of the intelligence group E-14. – I would like to believe that CNN, like other media, has some form of assessment of its sources, what the sources stand for, who they are and whether they have any ulterior motives for coming forward with this, says Kaldager to news. Ola Kaldager. Photo: Ola Helness – CNN writes that the source of the intelligence service is one individual. How do you see it? – In terms of intelligence, it is a bit small, but it depends on who the source is. If it is a person they have been in contact with for several years, who has proven to keep their goals, then it can be a credible source. – CNN has so many resources, so they probably have people who check out and make sure that what they publish is correct. Trump supporters during the opening of the Republican National Convention on Monday. Photo: Bjarte M. Johannesen / news He believes Donald Trump is an ideal candidate for Iran. He also believes that threats directed directly at state leaders are becoming more and more common. – In the past, state leaders were protected in many ways. That is about to change, says Kaldager. Below you can listen to Urix’s latest podcast: Published 16.07.2024, at 20.38 Updated 16.07.2024, at 9.30 p.m
