Iran had another meeting with Norway about Gharahkhani – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Iran refers to it as “unacceptable statements” about the Islamic Republic. This is the second summons by the Norwegian ambassador to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the last month and a half. According to the Iranian news agency Fars, the topic of the meeting was statements by Gharakhani in an interview with one of the opposition media. Here, the president of the Storting is said to have supported the demonstrations in the country. In the interview Gharahkhani says: – I want to talk to Mr. Khamenei (Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei). The country’s most important resource is its people. A leader must not oppress. Don’t kill your own people. Do not beat your own people with a baton. A good Muslim does not kill the country’s youth. A good Muslim does not beat his sister, his brother, his own mother and father. For 44 years you had power, now it must end. Iran is said to have condemned these statements to Norway’s ambassador. Gharahkhani says he will continue the protest But Masud Gharahkhani does not intend to put any dampers on himself. On Monday night, he posted a new protest on his Facebook page. “As president of the Storting, I stand up for democracy, freedom and human rights, and I will continue to do so,” he writes. “Young people in Iran risk their lives for the same freedom and democracy that we have in my country Norway. They demand justice and democracy and are met with bullets and violence. I will continue to be their voice!” repeats Gharahkhani. DEMONSTRATED IN OSLO: Iranians in exile under a human chain on their way up the Karl Johan towards the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) in support of the Iranian people on 29 October. Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB Foreign Ministry confirms meeting The Ministry of Foreign Affairs writes to news that the ambassador was called in on Friday. “We can confirm that Ambassador Sigvald Hauge was summoned to a meeting in the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday 4 November, where the Iranian side wanted to address recent statements from the president of the Storting in Norway and a Norwegian statement at an informal meeting of the UN Security Council 2. November.” “Ambassador Hauge gave an account of the Norwegian government’s official view on the Mahsa Amini case,” writes press officer Mathias Rongved in the Foreign Ministry. The Speaker of the Storting, Masud Gharahkhani, has previously sent this greeting in Persian to the people of Iran. He did so in connection with protests after 22-year-old Mahsa Amini died. Meeting number two Norway’s ambassador Sigvald Hauge was also called in in September because of what they referred to as interference in internal affairs. Then Parliament President Masud Gharahkhani, who is himself from Iran, had reacted strongly to the news that 22-year-old Mahsa Amini had died in police custody. The death has led to large demonstrations in Iran. In the informal meeting of the UN Security Council last week, Norway gave full support to the demands of the demonstrators that the Iranian regime should respect human rights.
