Investigating the meeting between the accused murderer (35) and Jonas – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

A new detention meeting was held today for the 35-year-old Jevnaker man whom the police arrested on 3 October. The police wanted to extend the detention by another four weeks. However, the court concluded that there was no evidentiary reason for further imprisonment. The man has now been released. – He will be released immediately. It was not surprising from the evidence, says the man’s defender, Ole Magnus Strømmen, to news. – In terms of evidence, it has not held up to reasonable grounds. We made no objection to having him released until after he gave a statement. Now he has done it, and is being released. He is very relieved, and was impressed during the imprisonment meeting, says Strømmen. The 35-year-old is one of the five accused of murder in the case, and like the others, he denies guilt. The Jevnaker man was not physically at the meeting, but participated via video from Agder prison. At the scene in the district court was Jonas Henriksen’s family. – We take note of the decision. We knew that this day would come and we have great confidence that the judiciary does a thorough and good job, says stepfather Ivar Borgen to news. – Do you dread seeing him free? – The family will find it difficult and especially to possibly meet this man. It will certainly be demanding, but we have to deal with that, says Borgen. SHIPPED AWAY: During the arrest of Jevnaker, the police seized a car they link to the 35-year-old. Photo: Tipser Møtte Jonas The police have not wanted to comment on what roles they believe the various accused have had in the case. But news has known for some time that the police have been interested in a meeting between the 35-year-old and Jonas Henriksen. This meeting took place two weeks before Jonas was found shot dead, and took place at a gas station in Jevnaker, news is informed. The meeting took place in the same period when Jonas Henriksen had been exposed to several cases of vandalism, and he is said to have expressed to friends that he was anxious ahead of the meeting. A friend of Jonas is said to have been waiting in the car while the meeting took place, news is informed. The police are now investigating whether this meeting can be linked to the murder. The 35-year-old has been convicted a number of times, including for violence, deprivation of liberty and drug offences. He was arrested at his home in Jevnaker, in what the police described as a planned arrest. Mapping contact Police attorney Tine Henriksen does not want to comment on news’s ​​information about the petrol station meeting, but says that all contact between Jonas and the accused is important. – It is an important focus. It is absolutely central for us to map possible contact between the accused and Jonas, she says. – What kind of contact have you uncovered? – We have to get back to what kind of contact there may have been, she says. Police prosecutor Tine Henriksen is responsible for the prosecution in the murder of Jonas Aarseth Henriksen. Photo: JON PETRUSSON Who can be linked to the crime scene is also central. – We have not reached a conclusion there, but it is one of the main questions. We work on the basis of several hypotheses about one or more people, we are not sure about that, says Henriksen. In parallel with questioning of the accused, witness interviews and forensic investigations, the police work with technical traces. – In order to find out who was present, electronic devices are important, and we hope that information there can shed light on that, says Henriksen. Four of the five accused have been questioned. The 28-year-old man who was arrested first in the case, at Rena, has still not been questioned. private Jevnaker man (35) Status: Arrested in Jevnaker on 3 October. Charged with murder or complicity in murder, and has been remanded in custody for two weeks. Pleads not guilty. The 35-year-old has been convicted several times, including for violence, deprivation of liberty and drug offences. According to news’s ​​information, the accused was an acquaintance of the murder victim. Noresund man (32) Status: Arrested in Noresund on 30 September. Charged with murder or complicity in murder. Has been detained for four weeks. Does not plead guilty. Previously convicted for, among other things, violence and the sale of doping agents. The main theory of the police is that the man was responsible for planning the attack on Jonas Henriksen, according to news’s ​​information. Hønefoss man (32) Status: Arrested on Tuesday 26 September. Charged with murder or complicity in murder. Detained for four weeks. Not guilty. He was an acquaintance of the murder victim. The man was summoned for a witness interview by the police and was arrested during questioning. The 32-year-old has previously been convicted in several criminal cases, including violence against a police officer. Elverum man (30) Status: Arrested on 20 September in Elverum. Charged with murder or complicity in murder. Was remanded in custody for two weeks, which on 5 October was extended by four new weeks. Pleads not guilty. He has previously been convicted of, among other things, aggravated theft and threats, and is said to be an acquaintance of the first person who was arrested in the case. The defender has said he is willing to answer questions from the police. Rena man (28) Status: Arrested at Rena on 14 September. Charged with murder or complicity in murder. Has been detained for four weeks. Does not plead guilty. He has been convicted several times in the past, including for violence against the police. The man did not want to be questioned in the case, according to the lawyer, due to “previous experiences with the police” he does not trust them. Reacting to behavior It was on 17 August that Jonas Henriksen was found murdered. In the time since, mutual acquaintances of Jonas and the accused 35-year-old must have reacted to his behaviour. People in the circle around Jonas perceived it as suspicious behaviour. The man’s defender, Ole Magnus Strømme, tells news that he does not want to comment on the information. Tip news’s ​​crime group: Do you have information about this case or other crime cases? Contact news’s ​​crime group. You can tip us off by e-mail or through news’s ​​encrypted notification service. Here you can tip us anonymously. We also treat all tips confidentially, in line with the Vær varsom poster’s rules on source protection.
