Interconnection of Sørlandsbanen and Vestfoldbanen discussed since 1896 – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

Connecting Sørlandsbanen with Vestfoldbanen was first proposed in 1896. It is still being discussed in 2022. For the past 30 years, large areas in Agder and Telemark have been cordoned off to make room for a connection. But nothing happens. Now the landowners want their plots back Øyvind Fredriksen and Asbjørn Pedersen in Sannidal in Kragerø look beyond the 20-acre business plot they own together. It is attractive as it is close to E18. Øyvind Fredriksen and Asbjørn Pedersen want the municipality to lift the restrictions. Photo: Veronica Westrin / news They wanted a railway, but now they would rather build commercial buildings and apartments. – If they haven’t managed to build a railway in 30 years, nothing will come of it, believes Pedersen. – We think it’s real nonsense, says Fredriksen. He wants the municipality to lift the restrictions. The mayor of Kragerø, Grunde Wegar Knudsen, understands them well. Mayor of Kragerø, Grunde Wegar Knudsen. Photo: Randi Nørstebø / news – We need a clear answer as to whether there will be any railway development, says the mayor. He still wants a connection, but is starting to realize that it might be difficult. In a year’s time, it may be appropriate to let the plots free, he believes. Called the “Genistreken”, the Sørlandsbanen runs from Stavanger to Oslo, via Kristiansand and Kongsberg. The Vestfold Railway runs from Skien to Oslo, visiting all the Vestfold towns. If you connected them together, the travel time from Oslo to Kristiansand would be one hour shorter. Only six miles to go. 6 miles separate the two tracks. It has been studied several times, but never built. The Grenlandsbanen, called the “genius line”, is drawn as a line on the map and in the municipalities of Gjerstad and Kragerø, large areas have been kept on hold for 30 years. Some trains they haven’t seen before. It could be like this for a long time, says former railway planner Arild Herfindal. Arild Herfindal went from being a railway planner to a train trader. Photo: Mette Stensholt Schau / news He helped build the brand new track between Porsgrunn and Larvik. Then they were told to build double tracks so that Sørlandsbanen would be connected. Before they could open, the plans were shelved. He has quit Bane Nor and is now fighting for Intercity in Vestfold to be completely built. Larvik is a bottleneck. It has been decided there that there will be no double track. – Double tracks must be built here first, he says. It is partly supported by the Directorate of Railways. Have no plans In 2014, the news came that the two tracks would be connected by 2035. But the price tag of NOK 22 billion put the plans back in the drawer. 2014: Transport Minister Ketil Solvik-Olsen wanted the connection. 2017: After seeing the price tag, the project was shelved. In the Directorate of Railways, department director Øyvind Hauge Støle cannot see that it is possible to build now. Have no plans to build, says Øyvind Hauge Støle, acting department director for sector coordination in the Norwegian Railway Directorate. Photo: The Norwegian Railways Directorate – When and if the Grenland Railway should possibly be realized is a political decision, but based on a professional assessment, it is not realistic. They have no mandate from the Ministry of Transport to proceed with the plans. – Before it is to be assessed, we need to take a closer look at whether double tracks or further measures are necessary on the Vestfold line. He expects that there will be less money for railway construction in the future. – We must first complete what has already been started and find the best and most cost-effective solutions, he says.
