Inspection of the scene in Steinkjer where Sigve Bremset was hit and killed – man charged with murder – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

On Monday, the trial began against the man in his 30s who is charged with murder and two attempted murders after he ran over three people in the center of Steinkjer at Easter. On the night of Easter Sunday, 21-year-old Sigve Bremset and two others were standing outside a fast food restaurant when the man drove towards them and hit two of them. A video from the scene shows that the man’s van stops for a bit on the pavement, before continuing straight towards the young people. Bremset died from his injuries, while the other two received minor injuries. Came at them at high speed Central to the trial is to discover whether the accused man ran over the young people on purpose or not, and on Tuesday the court was at the scene to review the sequence of events. – The important thing was to find out in detail what happened at the scene, because we have a video that sheds light on the incident. Then it is very important to shed light on the incident from different angles and sides, says prosecutor Kaia Strandjord. Kaia Strandjord is the prosecutor in the case. Photo: Eivind Aabakken / news During the reconstruction, police superintendent and forensic technician, Tor Sverre Helland, showed markers on the street where the three people were standing on the pavement. He also explained that the van came driving onto the pavement from Kongens gate nearby. The two who survived the collision have explained that the van drove calmly onto the pavement before it suddenly came towards them at high speed. The markers on the ground show where the people involved were standing when the car came towards them. The late Sigve Bremset stood at marker number four. Photo: Rita Kleven / news Drone images from the scene show a 9.3 meter skid trail in a straight line. The track goes in an arc before it straightens as it reaches the stairs outside the fast food restaurant, right next to where the three young people were standing. The prosecution believes that it may appear that the accused man swerved to intentionally hit the three who were standing there. The man’s defender, Anne Marstrander-Berg, does not agree with that. – Based on the pictures and the markings, you can see that there is a shift to the right from the left front wheel, so it is probably correct. But what conclusion is to be drawn from the fact that there is a twist to the right after first being positioned towards the stairs, I will come back to that, she says. Admits negligent homicide The man admits that he was the one who drove the car, that he did not have a driving license and that he had been drinking, but he believes that he did not try to kill anyone. When he was remanded in custody in April, he pleaded guilty to negligent homicide and negligent driving. He denies criminal guilt for attempted murder. – Because he knew he had been drinking and that it was illegal. He has had no will or thought that he was driving on the pavement, and therein lies the negligence – that he has mistaken the road, she says. The emergency services are working on the scene on the night of 9 April 2023, after three people were hit in the center of Steinkjer. Photo: Privat / NTB Is there anything else you would like to add after what we saw at the crime scene investigation now? – Nothing but that I register that all the distances are much shorter than what you could imagine both on the video and in your mind, it is a tight sequence of events in three seconds, she says. – It has gone very quickly. A form has been hung up in memory of the late Sigve Bremset at the place where he was hit and killed. Photo: Rita Kleven / news Searched for traffic accidents When the defendant explained himself on Monday, it became clear that he had searched for car accidents online. Among other things, a website with content such as “Women crushed alive by car”. The defendant said that such videos made him feel better, because he imagined people he did not like. The videos he saw online of traffic accidents, people being taken by predators and the like, are about bad memories from childhood, says the defender. – When he looks at it, he feels that the aggression he has towards people, who have been mean to him in childhood and growing up, disappears. The man has a previous criminal conviction The man was convicted in 2018 for, among other things, criminal damage. – He threw a manhole cover, scrap metal and a large stone on the train line near Steinkjer. A warning system in Bane Nor prevented a serious accident, when a freight train came running in 2016. – He was also convicted for having sent messages threatening to do the same as Anders Behring Breivik. An expert assessed him as mildly mentally retarded. The judges came to the conclusion that there was doubt as to whether the defendant was capable of understanding that he could endanger human life. He was thus acquitted of the charge that he could have caused an accident. Wants to apologize When the court was set on Monday, the accused man was unable to sit in the same room as the others. So he was taken into an adjoining room, with a window facing the courtroom. He has said that he wants to apologize for what happened. – I think it is terrible, towards the relatives of the person who died. Anne Marstrander Berg is the accused man’s defender. Photo: Eivind Aabakken / news The man explains that he drank at home before he decided to go to the city where the incident happened. – I am willing to take the punishment that is right, he said in his explanation in court. Defender Anne Marstrander-Berg says he is having a hard time. – He does not remember the incident itself and is terribly sorry for the result.
